21 Best Calf Workouts at Home

Woman does a lunge as part of a calf workout at home.
Bri Hand

Not everyone naturally has sharply defined calves, and if the gym isn’t your favorite place, you might wonder how to strengthen your legs. The good news is that you can build stronger, more toned calf muscles by following the right workout routine at home, along with proper recovery and a balanced diet.

If you’re looking to improve the strength and appearance of your lower legs, this guide has you covered. Even better, you can do these exercises from the comfort of your home, with or without equipment.

Let’s get started on the journey to stronger calves with these 21 exercises:

Let’s jump in!

1. Calf stretch

  1. Stand facing a wall with hands on it.

  2. Step one foot back, keeping the heel on the ground.

  3. Lean forward to feel a stretch in the calf.

  4. Switch legs and repeat.

2. Single-leg calf stretch

  1. Stand on a block with one leg, resting your body weight on the ball of your foot.

  2. Cross your free foot behind the working leg.

  3. Sink towards the floor, feeling your calf stretch.

  4. Hold for 1 second, then push the ball of your foot into the block, raising your heel.

  5. Maintain the raised position for a two-second count.

3. Squat calf raises

  1. Stand on a block, feet shoulder width apart, toes turned out.

  2. Lower into a squat.

  3. Perform a calf raise, lifting yourself as high as possible on the balls of your feet while keeping your legs and hips stable.

4. Seated calf raises

  1. Sit on a bench, placing the balls of your feet on a block or step.

  2. Optionally, hold weights on your thighs for added resistance.

  3. Keep knees bent at 90 degrees with toes pointing forward.

  4. Lower heels towards the floor until you feel a calf stretch.

  5. Drive the balls of your feet into the block or step, raising your heels as high as possible.

5. Jumping calf raise

  1. Start in a standing position with feet planted firmly.

  2. Propel yourself upward using your calf muscles.

  3. Land gently, absorbing the impact with a partial squat.

  4. Aim for a quiet landing to optimize control.

6. Jumping jacks

  1. Begin with feet together and arms by your sides.

  2. Jump, spreading legs shoulder-width apart while clapping hands overhead.

  3. Jump back to the starting position.

7. Seal jump

  1. Begin in the jumping jack position.

  2. Jump, extending hands in front with palms facing each other.

  3. Join hands together and return to the starting position.

  4. Repeat for 10 reps.

8. Jump rope

  1. Hold the jump rope handles at hip level.

  2. Stand with feet together and rotate rope with wrists.

  3. Jump, landing softly on the balls of your feet with a straight posture.

  4. Maintain a steady rhythm.

  5. Practice different techniques for versatility.

9. Butt kicker drill

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.

  2. Alternate kicking each foot towards its respective glute.

  3. Focus on the movement, resembling a running-in-place sensation with increased speed.

10. Tiptoe walks

  1. Rise onto your tiptoes and start walking.

  2. Ensure your heels don’t touch the ground.

  3. For increased muscle activation, consider doing this calf exercise barefoot, if possible.

11. Farmer’s walk on toes

  1. Begin in an upright position, holding a weight in each hand.

  2. Keep a tall chest, retract shoulder blades, and avoid letting the weights rest on your thighs.

  3. Walk forward, focusing on your toes to engage the calves.

  4. Keep your head facing forward and maintain a rigid posture during the entire walk.

12. Standing calf raises

  1. Stand on a block with a weight in one hand.

  2. Use your free hand for support.

  3. Lower both heels towards the floor for a calf stretch.

  4. Drive the balls of your feet into the block, contract your calves, and lift your heels as high as possible.

  5. Maintain control during the descent for each repetition.

13. Lateral to curtsy lunge

  1. Stand holding a weight or perform without.

  2. Step right foot to the side and hinge hips back for a lateral lunge.

  3. Push off, returning to a standing position, then transition to a curtsy lunge with the right leg behind.

  4. Alternate legs and repeat the sequence.

14. Agility ladder run

  1. Position an agility ladder on the floor or create lines with tape/chalk.

  2. Stand at one end.

  3. Hop or run from one end to the other, placing feet within the ladder boxes.

  4. Each end-to-end run completes one rep.

15. Raised heel squat

  1. Start with wide feet and toes slightly outward.

  2. Lower into a squat with a strong back, engaging core and glutes.

  3. Press through toes, lifting heels as you stand.

  4. Keeping the weight on your toes, slowly lower your heels.

  5. Repeat.

16. Fast feet

  1. Begin in a half-squat stance with feet shoulder width apart, hips low, and knees slightly bent.

  2. Push through the balls of your feet.

  3. Run in place as quickly as possible.

  4. Swing your arms forward and back for stabilization and added speed.

17. Mountain climbers

  1. Start in a plank position with a straight back, low hips, and engaged core.

  2. Bring your right knee toward your right elbow.

  3. Return right leg to plank; then, bring left knee towards left elbow.

  4. Alternate legs at a steady pace.

  5. Focus on breathing and engage abs, glutes, and hamstrings throughout.

18. Downward dog

  1. Start on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees below hips.

  2. Press into palms, tuck toes, lift knees, and extend hips upward.

  3. Straighten legs without locking knees, forming a triangle with the ground.

  4. Engage your core, lengthen your spine, and lift hips high.

  5. For a deeper stretch, pedal the feet by bending one knee at a time.

19. Outward calf raise

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing slightly outward.

  2. Engage your core for stability.

  3. Lift heels off the floor, keeping knees straight but soft.

  4. Hold briefly at the top, then lower heels slowly.

  5. Repeat for additional sets.

20. Reverse lunge

  1. Stand with feet hip-distance apart.

  2. Step back with your right foot, lowering the right knee without touching the floor.

  3. Drive left hip back and push off with the right foot to return.

  4. Repeat, stepping back with the left foot.

  5. Alternate legs, completing 10 reps for each leg.

21. Walking lunge

  1. Begin with feet hip-distance apart.

  2. Step forward with your right foot, lowering into a lunge with engaged core.

  3. Bend both knees, stopping before the back knee touches the ground.

  4. Push back up with the weight in your right foot.

  5. Repeat on the other leg.

  6. Complete 10 reps for each leg.

Unlock stronger calves with rowing

If you’re looking for additional ways to get in a workout from home, be sure to check out Hydrow’s rowing machines! While renowned for its full-body workout benefits, Hydrow goes beyond toning your arms and back. The dynamic leg drive involved in rowing engages major muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and, yes—the calf muscle.

Hydrow’s indoor rowers provide you with an immersive and total-body workout in just 20 minutes a day, working 86% of your body’s muscles in a single stroke. Plus, Hydrow’s extensive library of workout content is led by our team of world-class and Olympic Athletes and filmed in stunning locations around the world. Whether you’re looking to do a rowing workout or cross-train with yoga, Pilates, and circuit training, you’ll be transported to gorgeous global destinations that keep you motivated to come back again and again. 

Learn more about the benefits of rowing and a Hydrow rowing machine today!

Bri Hand

Bri Hand is Hydrow's Content Marketing Manager and enjoys writing, singing, kayaking, and Zumba!