Consistency + Community + Accountability = SUCCESS IN 2024

February is upon us, and just as our optimistic Dec. 31 selves envisioned it, we are plugging along, eating right, and routinely hitting our weekly workout minutes just as we planned it.
Welllll, not so much.
Unfortunately, the statistics tell a different story for most. According to Forbes, 78% of people drop off their fitness goals/resolutions by the end of February. One statistic of note shows that only 20% of people say they are able to keep themselves accountable when it comes to sticking to their goals, leaving the majority in the dust resolution-wise.
Fortunately, Hydrow offers a number of ways to help you beat the statistics and stay on track with your workouts, including community support and the accountability tools you need to avoid becoming another New Year statistic.
Leveraging Hydrow’s accountability tools and community to create consistency
Whether you need others to help keep you accountable or not, Hydrow has numerous ways to help you stick to your good intentions and show up for yourself on the regular.
Here are a few tools you now have in your arsenal so you can stay on track with ease and support:
1. Take advantage of monthly challenges
Research that followed online fitness challenges demonstrates that habit formation as well as improved physical performance are direct results of participating in challenges. Committing to the monthly challenge at either the bronze, silver, or gold level is proven to help you get to your goal of regular sweat sessions.
2. Lean into Hydrow’s online communities
Since so many Hydrow Members participate in the monthly and special challenges, this is the time to strike while the iron’s hot! Don’t be afraid to take the opportunity to share your goals and experiences, or seek out like-minded challenge participants to help with accountability.
Hydrow’s online communities offer a go-to space of future friends who share the exact same goals as you — it’s like showing up at a party only to find out that everyone there is talking about exactly what you want to talk about.
Join Hydrow’s official Facebook page Hydrow Training Camp, or search out one of the many community-led Facebook communities that speaks to you, such as Mamas who Hydrow, Club 18, Club 26, etc. Being active in the online communities is a surefire way to boost your own participation and sustain your excitement, which all leads to consistent workouts.
3. Visually motivated? Take advantage of our simple yet effective tracking tools.
You can track your progress on the Hydrow Progress board in the app and on your Hydrow to help you keep your eye on the prize. Choose the goal of weekly streaks and/or days worked out by tracking your blue dots so you have a visual cue to help you stay on track. If you are a twenty percenter who can keep yourself accountable, all it takes is setting the goal, keeping disciplined and tracking your progress with the check marks and dots.
You can also plan ahead by adding live rows onto your calendar to feel the vibe of rowing in real time with your Hydrow “teammates,” which will add the power of community — and accountability.
Finding consistency and accountability by leveraging Hydrow’s online community, along with participating in the monthly challenges and workout tracking, are the keys to lasting success with your healthy 2024 workout habits. You’ll find that each of these things will naturally feed into the other and next thing you know, it’s July and you’re making sure to get your workout done before that Fourth of July pool party (in your new summer swag).
(Mitkina, Maria and Lee, Stephanie and Tan, Yong, Effect of Online Fitness Challenges on User’ Exercising Behavior: The Case of Youtube Fitness Channels (April 19, 2023). Available at SSRN: or