A note from Bruce Smith, Founder + CEO

Kelly Johnson


My name is Bruce Smith and I am the founder of Hydrow, where our goal is to help humans feel healthier, more connected and less alienated through the shared experience of rowing. When we untether ourselves from our computers or televisions and actually do something with someone else, we build genuine, connected relationships through that shared experience. We believe that’s how we can help build a world with better health and more people who feel like they matter to each other.

We’ve decided to launch our blog so there would always be a place to find out about news we have at Hydrow, like new product features and software updates, as well as things that are happening with the company, news about our athletes and what’s going on in our community, how we are all supporting safe drinking water by participating… you get the idea. This is the very first blog post, and so I thought it would be a good idea to share a bit about why we created this company.

Hydrow is coming to life for a very simple reason: we wanted to create the best and most compelling pathway to whole health that the world has ever seen. I’ve spent a lifetime learning about rowing, and it is a very special human activity -- there’s nothing else quite like it. Rowing is universally recognised as the best exercise -- just ask anyone who’s into any of the latest fitness trends. It engages 86% of your body’s muscles, compared to cycling, which only engages 44%. It is zero impact but it still builds bone density and it builds incredible connections between you and your teammates.

To truly achieve this notion of whole health, we really need to be a part of a community where our commitment matters -- and that can be tricky. Most people don’t have time to drive to a studio every day to work out, let alone get out on the actual water. The Hydrow Live Outdoor Reality (LOR)™ experience brings everything together: the best workout possible for human beings, new live workouts every day with great music, and a way to be a part of team where you really matter. We’re in love with the experience, and we hope you will be too.

Thanks for reading our first blog. We are really excited to have you join our community. As we speak, our first batch of pre-production units are en route to Hydrow HQ for continued hands-on testing, keeping us on track to begin delivering units early in Spring 2019. Make sure to follow us on our social media channels, and be on the look for new features, updates, and opportunities to pick up some swag as we continue to spread the word about Hydrow.

See you on the water,

Bruce Founder & CEO, Hydrow

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