Tips for Working Out Around the Holidays

Written by: Kristin Haraldsdottir, PhD
The holidays are when healthy habits and routine are put to the test. With changes to your surroundings and schedule during the holidays, it can be incredibly rewarding to stay in touch with your health and fitness routine.
“If you carve out even just 5 minutes to commit to your health and wellness when you’re out of your normal routine, you’ll feel more confident and connected to your mind and body,” says Dr. Kristin Haraldsdottir, Hydrow’s Director of Exercise Research and Engagement. Let Hydrow help you feel your best however you are navigating this season.
Here are some of our tips for keeping yourself feeling great during the holidays:
1. Make workouts a part of your holiday itinerary.
Just like you’ll be planning out travel, reservations, recipes, and gatherings, you can pre-plan your workouts too! Whether that means sneaking in a workout before breakfast, or fitting it in during the day, give yourself the gift of pre-planning what you’re planning on doing and communicate your plan to your family and friends (see tip #6).
2. Set reasonable expectations.
If you’re traveling or visiting friends and family, allow yourself to scale back your workouts a bit and prioritize quality time with your loved ones. Used to a longer workout? Find a shorter option that will still get you that same rewarding feeling. We also recommend you to try to fit in a 5 or 10-minute strength or Pilates workout to get your heart rate up and to feel a bit of that Hydrow high.
3. Invest in accessories.
If you’re traveling for the holidays, you’re out of your comfort zone when it comes to your hard-earned workout routine. To get a great workout when you’re away from your Hydrow, Peter Donohoe, Hydrow’s strength and movement specialist, says “No matter where I travel, I always take my foam roller and mini bands. The roller helps me recover from travel tightness, and the mini bands offer me opportunities to move with resistance without having to find a gym.” Check out Peter’s 5-minute “Foam Roller Mobility” from 9/18/21 or his 10-minute “Upper Body Strength” to maximize your workout efficiency with accessories while traveling. Also, check out this blog post on how to use your accessories.
4. Make it a group activity.
Invite your friends and family, in person or virtually, to join you for one of Hydrow’s 20-minute strength, mobility, or Pilates workouts, with new releases multiple times per week. If you’re away from your Hydrow, you can use your mobile app to join these workouts. This is a great way to connect with your loved ones and share the joy of building healthy habits.
5. Take out some time for yourself and connect with your body and mind.
Join Owen or Channing in a Yoga Flow, with a new flow released every week. No matter where you are or what your plans may be, it’s likely that taking some time to mindfully focus on your movement and breath will help you de-stress and feel centered.
6. Communicate your intentions with your family and friends.
Let them know that you are trying to incorporate some movement into your holiday schedule and give them the opportunity to support you. This will help you stay accountable to your health and fitness routine, but also communicates that your healthy habits are an important part of your wellness. Who knows, maybe they’ll even join you (see tip #4)!
Ultimately, the workouts you do during the holiday season should make you feel good, so choose the ones that fit into your schedule and surroundings the best. We can’t wait to support you and be a part of your ongoing wellness journey and are so grateful to have you in our crew.