How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out at Home

Woman does a sit-up after motivating herself to work out at home
Aisyah Rafaee

Finding the motivation to work out at home can sometimes feel daunting. While exercising from the comforts of your home is incredibly convenient, the allure of a cozy couch or the distractions of daily life can make it difficult to lace up your sneakers and get moving. 

However, getting into the right mindset and establishing some key habits can help you fully reap the perks of exercising at home. Below, we’ll dive into:

Let’s get started!

The benefits of working out at home

Man does an at-home dumbbell workout and reaps the many benefits of working out at home.

While at-home workouts may require a little more pumping-up to complete, they offer a ton of benefits if you can clear that motivational hurdle: 

1. Convenience

At-home workouts eliminate the need to commute to and from a gym, saving you time and making it easier to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule. This also means you’re not confined to standard operating hours or class times, meaning you can exercise at any time that suits you. 

2. Customization

With home workouts, you have the freedom to customize your routines based on your fitness levels and preferences. Whether you prefer rowing workouts, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, yoga, or strength training, you can design your workouts exactly how you want.

This also helps with any time constraints you may have. Whether you have 15 minutes or an hour to work with, you can easily find a workout that fits your schedule. 

3. Cost savings

While at-home fitness equipment does come with some upfront investment costs, you can still save money on monthly gym memberships. Plus, you won’t have to wait in any lines for any equipment you want to use. 

4. Privacy and comfort

Let’s face it—sometimes the gym can be intimidating! Working out at home can be a more comfortable environment to exercise in, particularly if you’re working out after a long break. You can also wear what makes you comfortable.  

Why getting motivated to work out at home can be challenging

Woman laces up her sneakers and gets ready to work out at home.

So, it’s clear that working from home offers a ton of benefits—but then why is it so hard? Accountability is the key here. When you are meeting up with a friend or signing up for a fitness class (especially one with a no-show fee!), it’s harder to justify canceling when you just don’t feel like working out. With no one banging down your door if you decide to skip your workout, it’s easier to say you’ll work out the next day—and the next day, and the next day.

Life also tends to happen when you’re at home. You may want to work out but get caught up with work or daily chores until it’s too late to start exercising. When you’re pulled in too many different directions, your exercise routine is often one of the first things affected. 

Related Blog: The Pros and Cons of Working Out Alone

How to stay motivated to exercise at home

Man stays motivated to exercise at home by doing a Hydrow rowing workout.

So, how can you overcome the common challengings of exercising at home and get the motivation you need? Here are 10 tips, including:

  1. Set goals for yourself

  2. Establish your “Me Time” 

  3. Choose activities you enjoy 

  4. Start small 

  5. Get others to hold you accountable 

  6. Mix up your workout routine

  7. Create the home gym of your dreams

  8. Reward yourself!

  9. Dress up and show up 

  10. Stay positive

Let’s dig in! 

1. Set goals for yourself 

You are on a sailboat and goals are your sails, giving you a sense of direction. Spend some time reflecting on your fitness goals. If you have a clear sense of what you’re hoping to accomplish, you can get through the bumpy waves of your journey. 

Some home gym equipment, such as the Hydrow rowing machine, have a feature where you get rewards like earning virtual badges (and even actual physical rewards sent to your home) when you hit certain milestones. The Hydrow rowing machine and app help you keep track of your progress and provide the incentive to stick to your routine so that you continue to stay motivated to work out at home.

2. Establish your “Me Time”

Dedicate a time in your day where you can focus on yourself. Even if you have to wear many hats in your life and be there for several other people, remember that sometimes you have to fill your own cup first before you can fill the cups of others. 

Make your fitness routine a priority and include working out as a core part of your daily routine instead of something you squeeze in when you have time. 

3. Choose activities you enjoy

Finding workout types that pump you up and make you happy can help you look forward to your workouts instead of dreading them. Just know that sometimes you may not immediately enjoy a new activity as you’re learning, but give yourself some grace and be patient in the process. 

Personally, I did not enjoy rowing when I first picked it up! I continued to push through because the challenge made me want to do more of it. Eventually, I got the hang of it and now I cannot imagine my life without it!

4. Start small 

If getting physically active is new to you, always start small. Keep your daily workouts manageable and realistic, then gradually increase the intensity, duration, and complexity of your workouts as you gain confidence. 

For example, if you only have an hour a day to work out between work and picking up your kid from school, set aside 45 minutes to work out and give yourself time to change instead of being too ambitious trying to complete a workout longer than an hour. 

A realistic workout plan will keep you motivated without adding any unnecessary stress. 

Related Blog: How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out: 14 Tips to Get Into a Groove

5. Get others to hold you accountable

Working out at home does not necessarily mean that you have to do it on your own. Get your whole family involved in your fitness journey! Ask them to join in on your workouts or ask them to remind you to work out. 

If the exercise equipment you have includes features that can help keep you accountable, use them! Some fitness apps include personal trainers or coaches who can help you stay motivated, while others have an online community that is designed to spur you on. Engage with members you worked out with on the virtual fitness classes and create your own communities from the comfort of your home. 

6. Mix up your workout routine

Be a DJ in your own fitness disco and mix up your workout routine by doing cross-training, mobility and flexibility work, and strength training so you don’t get bored. This also keeps your mind and body fresh and may help to prevent injuries by working on different parts of your body. 

7. Create the home gym of your dreams

Pull off a Chip and Jo in your workout space and design your own home gym. Having a dedicated space that is comfortable, organized, clutter-free, clean, and inviting will make you more motivated to work out. 

For example, if you are a plant lover like me, introducing house plants in your home gym area can make it more aesthetically pleasing and even relieve stress and increase your productivity and concentration. 

8. Reward yourself!

Positive reinforcement wins, so reward yourself after your workouts to stay on track. Whether you have a healthy treat or relaxing bath, you’ll give yourself something to look forward to and create a positive association between working out and getting a little treat. 

Related Blog: How to Stay Consistent With Working Out

9. Dress up and show up

Even when you’re working out from the comforts of your own, sometimes it feels good to change into specialized workout clothes. This helps you mentally prepare for your workout and let your mindset shift so your mind and body both know it’s “go time.”

10. Stay positive

Finally, if you’re trying to stay on track while exercising at home, be positive and kind to yourself. If you miss a workout, don’t beat yourself up—just try again the next day! You don’t have to develop the perfect workout regimen right away, but staying positive even when it doesn’t go your way is vital to maintaining your routine over time. 

Stay motivated with the Hydrow community 

Hydrow Athletes motivate members to workout at home.

Having a supportive community can be invaluable when your motivation falters. If you’re considering adding a new workout to your routine and want the added boost of a supportive group, be sure to check out Hydrow. Our indoor rowers provide a low-impact, effective workout, and our community of Athletes and fellow rowers is there to encourage and motivate you along the way.

Discover the benefits of an at-home workout routine that fits your needs and stays enjoyable with Hydrow.

Aisyah Rafaee

Aisyah is a trailblazer — as Singapore’s first Olympian in rowing, she’s got serious drive. As an athletic counselor, she approaches fitness with compassion so you can reach your own goals too. The result? Dynamic workouts that make you feel great, inside and out.

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