How to Work Out When You Have Kids: 10 Tips

One of the biggest roadblocks people come up against in trying to maintain a consistent exercise routine is finding the time to work out. Between sleeping, eating, working, and spending time with friends and loved ones, it’s tough to fit it in—and that’s before you throw kids into the mix! Indeed, working out with kids is a challenge that rivals that of raising those kids. Still, there are so many benefits that parents can get from exercising regularly.
That’s why we’re sharing 10 of our best tips for squeezing in exercise when you have kids.
Let’s dive in!
The benefits of working out when you have kids
First, we know that parenting is a grind (it’s a worthwhile one, to be sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not tough). Balancing your own busy schedule with those of your kids, navigating childcare, and trying to be the best parent you can be is hard even on the easiest day. Why would you try to then add in exercise, too? Because a regular exercise routine will make all the hard parts of parenting easier. You’ll enjoy benefits like:
All these perks of frequent, consistent exercise will combine to make you a happier, healthier and more present parent for your kids—plus make you the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.
10 tips for working out with kids
The good news: It is possible to work out regularly when you have kids. These 10 tips will help.
Embrace short workouts
Plan ahead
Get a workout buddy
Exercise first thing
Reframe “working out”
Make family time active
Head to the playground
Get on the floor
Involve your kids in your workout
Find a gym or studio with childcare
Utilize downtime
1. Embrace short workouts
When you’re a parent, it’s difficult to fit in a 60-minute-long workout every day. Instead, the trick to exercising with kids is embracing the power and flexibility of short workouts. You don’t need to exercise in one chunk of time to get the benefits (though one 30-minute block is certainly enough, if you can find it). A few five- or 10-minute chunks will be just as good for you!

Efficient and Effective
Work 86% of your muscles in just 20 minutes with a Hydrow rowing machine.
2. Plan ahead
This tip applies to anyone trying to maintain an exercise regimen, but especially to busy parents: Put your workouts on your calendar ahead of time. This will allow you ample time to set up childcare or coordinate with your partner to make sure you’re getting the time you need to get your sweat on.
3. Get a workout buddy
Someone to work out with—or just talk about working out with—will help hold you accountable to your exercise plan.
4. Exercise first thing
We know this isn’t possible for all parents, but waking up and exercising first thing in the morning sets a positive tone for your entire day. Plus, you’re not worrying throughout the day about when and where you’re going to squeeze in your workout.
5. Reframe “working out”
This one goes hand in hand with embracing the possibilities of shorter bouts of exercise. Once you reframe working out in your mind from 60 minutes of lifting weights to anything that keeps you active and moving—such as walking or running with the stroller or playing outside with the kids—you’ll start to realize that it’s easier than you thought to fit in workouts as a parent.
6. Make family time active
This one is actually easier than you think, considering the fact that little kids don’t like to sit still! When you’re planning out family fun on the weekend, choose activities like nature hikes, playing at the playground, or visiting a craft fair. Your kids will be entertained, and you’ll be able to move your body.
7. Head to the playground
Some activities are more of a workout than you think. Following your child on a playground requires more strength and flexibility than you can imagine, as they don’t make these playgrounds for these adults! Fully engaging with your child can get your heart pumping and muscles activated.
8. Get on the floor
Parents of young children know that you spend a lot of time on the floor when your kids are small. While it can be tedious getting up and down off the floor, embrace it! Each time you do, especially if you’re often standing up off the floor while holding a child in your arms, you’re basically getting a full-body workout.

Did You Know?
Over 90% of Hydrow members are still active one year later.
9. Involve your kids in your workout
If your children are preschool age or older, they might enjoy working out with you—especially if you’re using a workout video they can also follow along with. From infancy stroller runs or squatting wearing a baby carrier, you can get your kids involved in your exercise routine from the very beginning.
When they become toddlers, they can sit and watch but at some point will likely join in when something you do piques their interest. Not only do you get a good workout, but you are serving as a positive role model on how important it is to move your body for your health and wellness.
10. Find a gym or studio with childcare
While it may be easier for parents to find time for short workouts and exercise at home, we know that doesn’t work for everyone. If you’re someone who feels strongly about going to a gym or fitness studio to work out, there are places out there that will provide childcare while you take class or complete a workout.
11. Utilize downtime
Another way to fit in super-short workouts throughout the day is to utilize your downtime between and during tasks. Are you cooking dinner and have five minutes before you add the next ingredient? Bang out some squats in front of the stove. Are you waiting to bring your child home from school? Do some calf raises on the sidewalk. Every single rep counts!
There’s no time to waste!
The best time to start incorporating more exercise into your daily or weekly routine is now. Just remember that balance is key, especially as a parent. If you are filling every waking minute with something productive, that’s a recipe for burnout and exhaustion. But exercise is one of those remarkable things that, when done regularly, will improve both your parenting and your personal health. The more consistent you are, the more results you’ll see.
Our final tip for working out with kids: If you’re focusing on exercising at home, make sure you have the tools and equipment. There is awesome equipment, like the Hydrow rowing machine, that will support your goal of getting the most out of every workout. Hydrow’s library is filled with instructor-led classes of various workout types and lengths, so you’ll always be able to find something to fit your schedule and interest. Plus, rowing itself is an adaptable and accessible workout perfect for every fitness level.
Learn more about the benefits of rowing and a Hydrow rowing machine today!

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