18 of the Best Butt Workouts to Do at Home

If you’re looking to build a glute-strengthening exercise routine from the convenience of your home, there are a ton of great at-home butt workouts to try out. Whether you’re out of shape and starting a new exercise journey or a fitness enthusiast changing up your routine, check out our list of 18 of the best at-home butt workouts, including:
Let’s dive in!
1. Squats
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.
Squat down, bending your knees at a 90-degree angle.
Engage your core, keeping a straight spine, and feet flat on the ground.
In the squat position, push through your heels to stand up straight.
Repeat the motion.
2. Lunges
Stand with your feet together, with your arms at sides and your core engaged.
Step forward with your right leg, bending both knees.
Position your front knee over the ankle with the back knee hovering above the ground.
Bend, keeping the core engaged, spine straight, and shoulders back.
Push off with your front foot, returning to the starting position.
Repeat for desired reps, alternating kneeling legs.
3. Glute bridges
Lie on your back, feet hip-width apart, flat on the floor, and knees bent.
Keep your arms flat on the ground, palms down.
Engage your core.
Press through the heels and lift your hips upward in a hip thrust, contracting your glutes.
Ensure your shoulders to knees form a straight line.
Squeeze your glutes at the top of the bridge pose.
Slowly lower your hips, returning to the starting position.

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4. Jump squats
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
Lower into a squat position, knees bent 90 degrees, spine straight, and feet flat on the ground.
Engage your core.
From the squat, jump up, fully extending your legs, and raising arms above your head.
After the jump, return to the starting position.

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5. Clamshells
Lie on your side, knees bent at a 90-degree angle, head neutral, and spine straight.
Keep both feet pressed together and open your legs, like a clamshell, with the top knee moving upward.
Open your legs as far as possible, engaging and squeezing your glutes.
Lower the top knee to the bottom one, closing your legs.
Repeat for the desired reps. Switch sides and repeat the moves using the opposite leg in the clamshell position.
6. Donkey kick
Go on all fours, maintaining a straight spine with core engaged.
With a 90-degree bend in the knees, lift your right leg toward the ceiling, kicking it into a full extension behind you.
Keep the glutes engaged, foot flexed, and the sole facing upward.
Squeeze the glutes at the top of the kick, then lower the leg to the starting position.
Repeat the process with the opposite leg.
7. Hip drive
Sit on your heels with knees together.
Squeeze your glutes and lift your body into a kneeling position.
Slowly lower, maintaining engagement in the glutes.
8. Hip thrust
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
Place your hands on the ground, fingers facing away.
Squeeze the glutes and lift your hips into a tabletop position.
Hold for five counts.
Lower the hips slowly to the floor.

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9. Marching hip lift
Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and core engaged.
Lift your hips, squeezing the glutes.
Raise your left foot, straighten the leg without twisting your hips.
Lower the left foot and lift the right.
Repeat on the other side, focusing on squeezing the glute.
10. Step up
Stand in front of a step or steady bench.
Place your right foot on the step and, without pushing off the left foot, lift your body, engaging your right glute.
Straighten your right leg, then slowly lower, bending your right knee.
Repeat on the other side.
11. Chair squat jump
Sit on a chair with a straight back and feet hip-width apart.
Engage your glutes to jump straight up, ensuring both feet leave the floor.
Land lightly and squat to sit on the chair.
12. Bottoms-up lunge
Kneel on your left knee and bring your right foot forward.
Push into your right heel, engaging your glutes to stand, lifting your left knee. Avoid pushing off the floor—use your hamstrings and glutes instead.
Lower your left knee down to the starting position.
Repeat on the other side.
13. Side skaters
Stand with your feet together, crouching down while pushing your hips back.
Keep your back flat and core engaged.
Jump to the left, landing lightly on the ball of your left foot.
Engage your glutes to push off, then jump to the right and land lightly on your right foot.
Repeat the sequence, swinging your opposite arm forward with each jump, resembling a speed skater’s motion.
14. Sprinter lunge
Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart.
Step your left leg back into a reverse lunge, keeping your back straight.
Hold for three counts.
Push through the right heel to drive your left knee forward and up.
15. Pretzel side kick
Sit on the floor with your left knee bent in front and right knee bent behind.
Rotate your torso, placing your hands on both sides of the left knee.
Keeping your chest up and core engaged, lift your right knee and foot.
Extend your right leg parallel to the floor.
Bend the right knee in and release to the floor.

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16. Single leg sit-to-stand
Sit on the chair edge, back straight.
Extend your left leg, keeping the right foot on the floor.
Using the right glute and leg, push to stand.
Push your hips back to sit, keeping the left foot extended.
Repeat with the other leg.
17. Power skip
Start in a lunge with your right foot in front.
Bring the left foot forward and jump up.
Lift your right foot off the floor and raise the left knee high.
Land lightly on the right foot.
Place the left foot behind to start again.
18. Curtsy lunge
Stand, clasping your hand in front of your chest
With the core engaged, lift your right foot, step back and outside of your left foot.
Bend your knees, taping the right knee to the floor.
Drive through your feet to return to the starting position.
Start your home workout journey with Hydrow
Doing butt workouts at home is a great addition to an overall workout routine. With the right exercises, you can work your way toward sculpting the glutes of your dreams!
We like pairing exercises like glute workouts with other kinds of home fitness routines, such as core exercises, yoga, or cardio like rowing! In fact, glute exercises make a great supplementary workout to exercises like rowing, and builds the foundation needed for a great full body workout.
If you are looking for a highly effective workout to add to your fitness routine, consider investing in a rowing machine like Hydrow. Indoor rowers offer an immersive and efficient total-body workout, targeting 86% of your muscle groups in each rowing stroke. And, because rowing is both a cardio and strength workout, all you need is just 20 minutes to torch calories and build strength.
Hydrow rowing machines also come with an extensive library of workout content led by our team of world-class Athletes and filmed in gorgeous locations around the world. Our rowing, yoga, Pilates, and circuit training workouts will transport you to stunning global destinations and keep you motivated to come back again and again.
Learn more about the benefits of rowing and a Hydrow rowing machine today!

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