Jump Back Into Fitness Workout Plan: Week 2

Just getting started? Check out your week one exercises here!
You’re back for more—hooray! We’re happy to see you and to bring you another week of workouts, with a focus on mixing it up with different types of cardio exercises, strength workouts, and circuit training exercises.
At this point, you may be feeling a bit sore or stiff—no surprise there! This is referred to as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), a symptom caused by overloading your muscles and/or introducing them to activities your body isn’t accustomed to. This uncomfortable feeling is even experienced by elite athletes when they push beyond their norm!
The good news with smart, sequential overloading this feeling will not last forever. In fact, it will lead to stronger muscles and you feeling fitter! There are a ton of ways to relieve sore muscles after a workout, so treat yourself to an epsom salt soak, snuggle up with your heating pad, or even experiment with foam rolling to relieve any discomfort.
After your first week of working out, it’s also worth considering keeping a workout journal to track how you feel after each session. On tough days, looking back at positive entries—like how a challenging workout left you feeling accomplished and energized—can serve as a powerful reminder to keep going.
Without further ado, let’s dive into week two of your six-week workout plan! Here’s what you can expect this week:
Tuesday: 20-minute steady cardio workout
Wednesday: 15-minute core workout
Thursday: 20-minute circuit training workout
Friday: 20-minute steady cardio workout
Saturday: 20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout
Sunday: Active recovery/rest
Monday: 20-minute circuit training workout
In this circuit training workout, you will complete each exercise below for 30 seconds, then take a 30-second break before moving onto the next exercise. Repeat this circuit twice for a total of 20 minutes of exercise. Ease into the movements for the first few rounds letting your body warm up.
Not sure how to do each exercise? Click the links below for more detailed instructions!

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Over 90% of Hydrow members are still active one year later.
Tuesday: 20-minute steady cardio workout
Similar to last week, choose a cardio activity and aim for a set pace of 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). Feel free to do the same workout, or mix it up and try something new.
Wednesday: 15-minute core workout
Time to focus on your core! Start by holding these three exercises for two 30-second sets, taking breaks when you need them and going back into the exercise when you feel ready:
Then, complete two sets of 10–20 reps of each of the following exercises:
If you’re not sure how to do each exercise, click the links above for step-by-step guides.

Explore Hydrow's library of 5,000+ rowing, circuit training, yoga, Pilates, and mobility workouts.
Thursday: 20-minute circuit training workout
Repeat your 20-minute circuit training workout from Monday, completing each exercise for 30 seconds followed by a 30-second break. Again, you’ll repeat this circuit twice for a total of 20 minutes of exercise. Remember to start off with slower movements, picking up the pace as your body starts to warm up.
Friday: 20-minute steady cardio workout
Select your cardio exercise equipment of choice for this workout and aim for a set pace of 50% to 70% of your MHR for 20 minutes.
Saturday: 20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout
Similar to last week, you can either use a piece of home exercise equipment or floor exercises for your HIIT cardio workout.
20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with cardio equipment
If you choose to use equipment like a rowing machine, treadmill, or elliptical, complete the following workout:
Warm up for five minutes at a moderate intensity (60% to 70% of your MHR), with two 20-second bouts of vigorous activity (~80% of your MHR) during the last two minutes.
Work out at maximum effort for 30 seconds, reaching your MHR by the end of each interval.
Recover for 30 seconds with very light intensity.
Complete 10 rounds of on/offs following this pattern.
Cool down for five minutes at light intensity (50% of your MHR).
20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with floor exercises
If you choose floor exercises, complete the following routine:
Moderate-intensity warm-up:
High knees (30 seconds)
Plank to downward dog (30 seconds)
Butt kicks (30 seconds)
Bodyweight squats (30 seconds)
Maximum-effort exercise: Work out at maximum effort for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second recovery. Repeat each exercise below twice before moving onto the next:
Body squats (for more intensity, complete jump squats
Half burpees (for more intensity, complete full burpees)
30 seconds of butt kicks (you can hold your foot at your butt for a quad stretch!)
For 30 seconds, open your arms wide and reach back, then bring your arms forward across your body to hug yourself. (Feel free to hold each position to feel a chest and back stretch.)
For 60 seconds, lie on the floor, extend your legs straight, bend one knee, and bring your thigh to your chest and hold. Switch legs.
Sunday: Active recovery/rest
Another week down! Take the day off, try a gentle cardio workout such as rowing or cycling, or do a short stretching session to restore your flexibility and mobility.
Way to go! Now onto week three!
And, if you’re looking for more ways to mix up your workout routine, be sure to check out Hydrow. You’ll get all these workouts (and more!) with Hydrow’s workout library, which includes cardio rowing workouts along with yoga, Pilates, strength training, circuit training, and mobility training. Our workouts are all filmed in beautiful locations around the world and led by motivational world-class Athletes who will motivate you and push you to do your best.
Learn more about Hydrow and our rowing machines today!

Explore Hydrow
Learn more about how you can transform your fitness routine with a rowing machine.