Quick At-Home Workout: 20 Best Exercises

Bri Hand

Quick at-home workout routines are especially helpful for establishing a regular exercise habit, even if your schedule is packed and hitting the gym seems impossible.

And just because you work out at home doesn’t make the moves any less effective. When done correctly and with the right equipment, you can get a killer full-body workout without ever leaving home.

Ready to spice up your home workout routine? Check out these effective workouts suitable for all fitness levels, including: 

Let’s dive in!

Quick at-home workout moves for beginners

1. Knee push-up

  1. Start in a high plank position from your knees.

  2. Keep your body in a straight line from head to knees.

  3. Bend elbows to lower yourself to the ground.

  4. Push back up to the starting position.

2. Bridge

  1. Lie face up, knees bent, feet flat, arms by sides.

  2. Engage core and push through feet to lift hips.

  3. Squeeze glutes at the top.

  4. Lower back down and repeat.

3. Chair squat

  1. Stand in front of a chair with feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Extend your arms and lower your body down until your bottom lightly touches the chair.

  3. Push through heels to return to start.

4. Bird-dog

  1. Start on all fours, with hands under shoulders and knees under hips.

  2. Extend right arm and left leg while keeping hips square to the ground.

  3. Pause for two seconds, then return to the start position.

  4. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

5. Plank to downward dog

  1. Start in a high plank position, hands under shoulders, feet close together.

  2. Raise hips toward ceiling and back into a downward dog, forming a triangle shape with your body.

  3. Keep core engaged and gaze toward your feet.

  4. Hold briefly, then return to the starting position.

  5. Repeat.

6. Push-up

  1. Start in a plank position, keeping hands shoulder-width apart.

  2. Bend elbows to lower your body toward the floor.

  3. When your chest is close to the ground, push back up to starting position, keeping body straight.

  4. Repeat for desired reps.

7. Forward lunge

  1. Stand tall.

  2. Step forward with one leg, keeping core engaged and torso upright.

  3. Lower your body so the back knee lightly touches the floor.

  4. Push through the heels of the front foot to stand up.

  5. Repeat with opposite leg.

  6. Perform desired reps on each leg.

8. Straight-leg donkey kick

  1. Start on all fours, with hands directly under shoulders and knees aligned with hips.

  2. Extend one leg backward.

  3. Keep foot flexed and hips square to the ground, squeezing buttocks at the top.

  4. Return to starting position and repeat.

  5. Switch to the other leg.

9. Side-lying hip abduction

  1. Lie on your right side with legs straight, left foot resting on the ground.

  2. Lift your left leg up, keeping hips stable.

  3. Return to starting position and repeat.

  4. Switch sides and repeat with the right leg.

10. Forearm plank

  1. Get into a plank position on your forearms.

  2. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to feet.

  3. Keep your lower back and hips from sagging.

  4. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute.

Quick at-home workout routines for intermediate level

11. Walking lunge

  1. Stand tall, with hands on hips and feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Step forward with right leg, bending knee until parallel to the floor.

  3. Pause briefly, then bring left foot forward and repeat lunge on left leg.

  4. Continue alternating legs and lunging with each step.

  5. Aim for 10–12 reps on each leg, doing two to three sets in total

12. Single-leg bridge

  1. Lie on your back, arms at sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.

  2. Lift one leg up at hip height.

  3. Engage glutes, drive through heel, and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from knee to shoulder.

  4. Hold at the top, squeezing glutes briefly.

  5. Lower back down and do all repetitions on one leg before switching to the other.

  6. Aim for three sets of 15–20 reps. Rest for 30 seconds between sets.

13. Get-up squat

  1. Start in a squat position.

  2. Lower knees to the ground one at a time, kneeling.

  3. Step feet back to the ground one at a time, maintaining squat position.

  4. Repeat quickly while keeping good form. Remember, there is no standing at all in this move.

14. Bicycle crunch

  1. Lie face up with bent knees and hands behind your head.

  2. Lift one leg and bring the opposite knee toward your chest while lifting your shoulders slightly off the floor.

  3. Twist your body, bringing the opposite elbow towards the knee.

  4. Lower your elbow and knee while raising the opposite limbs.

  5. Switch sides and repeat the motion.

  6. Aim for 8–12 reps and do three sets.

15. Superman

  1. Lie face down with arms and legs extended.

  2. Engage core and lift arms and legs off the ground as high as possible while maintaining straight arms and legs.

  3. Pause briefly at the top.

  4. Slowly lower back to the starting position.

  5. Repeat.

Quick at-home workout challenges for advanced level

16. Jumping lunges

  1. Stand, feet shoulder-width apart, engaged core, and shoulders back.

  2. Step back into a lunge position with one leg.

  3. Jump explosively, switching legs midair to land with the opposite leg forward.

  4. Maintain bent knees when landing to absorb impact.

  5. Perform desired reps with proper form and speed.

17. Side plank with hip abduction

  1. Lie on your side, place top arm on hip.

  2. Lift hips to form a straight line from ankles to shoulders.

  3. Brace abs and squeeze glutes.

  4. Lift top leg while fully extended.

  5. Lower leg back to starting position.

  6. Repeat.

  7. Switch sides and repeat with other leg.

18. Hollow hold to jackknife

  1. Begin in a hollow hold position by lying face up, extending arms above your head, and lifting legs and upper body off the floor.

  2. Transition into a jackknife: Crunch upwards, bringing arms toward toes and pulling legs toward the center of your body.

  3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

19. Pistol squat

  1. Stand upright and lift one foot off the ground.

  2. Bend at the knee of the opposite leg, and slowly descend into a squat.

  3. Keep the raised leg straight and extended in front of your body.

  4. Pause when your hip crease goes below the knee.

  5. Drive back up to a standing position.

  6. Repeat.

20. One-arm plank

  1. Start in a plank position.

  2. Shift your body weight onto one arm while maintaining stability and alignment.

  3. Engage core and glutes.

  4. Hold the one-arm plank for the desired duration, focusing on form and alignment.

  5. Switch to the other arm and repeat.

Try rowing for a quick at-home workout

As you can see, there are a ton of options available to you if you are short on time but want to get in a good workout. If you’re interested in investing in exercise equipment for your home, be sure to check out an indoor rower like Hydrow.

Each rowing stroke works 86% of the muscles in your body, meaning you can squeeze in a highly effective workout in less time when compared to other workout types like running, cycling, or swimming. Plus, our extensive library of workouts will transport you to stunning waterways around the world and keep you motivated with instructions from our team of world-class Athletes.

Get the best of cardio and strength training with a rowing workout.

Bri Hand

Bri Hand is Hydrow's Content Marketing Manager and enjoys writing, singing, kayaking, and Zumba!