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Jump Back Into Fitness Workout Plan: Week 3

Man does a workout with dumbbells as part of Hydrow's Jump Back Into Fitness six-week workout plan.
Buffy Williams

Just getting started? Access workouts for week one and week two!

You’ve made it through two weeks of your six-week exercise program—give yourself a moment to celebrate that! This is where the real transformation begins. Remember, the hardest part is often getting started, and you’ve already crushed that hurdle. Your body and mind are adjusting to this new routine, and every workout is a step toward becoming stronger, healthier, and more confident. 

Yes, it’s tempting to slow down or stop, but think about how far you’ve come and how incredible it will feel to keep going. Progress isn’t about perfection—it’s about consistency. You’re building something amazing, and your future self will thank you for sticking with it. 

Here’s what week three has in store for you: 

A free six-week at-home workout plan graphic, including daily exercises across six weeks.

Monday: 20-minute upper-body strength and 5-minute stretch workout

This workout will target your upper-body muscles with two sets of 8–10 reps, followed by a stretching workout. Complete each exercise twice before moving to the next exercise listed. 

As a rule of thumb, you should aim for a minimum of two minutes of rest between sets when trying to build strength. Given this workout  doesn’t alternate between muscle groups, you’ll want to take adequate breaks so you’re able to perform your best for each set. Be sure to take deep breaths as you move through each exercise and drink water as needed!

Click each link for detailed guides on how to do each exercise. 

5-minute stretch

Once your workout is complete, complete each of the listed stretches to help the chest and back muscles recover. Move through each stretch for approximately one minute: 

Tuesday: 20-minute lower-body strength and 5-minute stretch workout 

In this lower-body, strength-focused workout, complete two sets of 8–10 reps of each exercise, Do each exercise twice before moving to the next exercise listed. Don’t forget the rule of thumb provided in Monday’s session: Give yourself adequate rest between sets to get the most out of this workout! 

5-minute stretch

Time to stretch! Follow the video below to help your lower-body muscles recover:

Wednesday: 30-minute steady cardio workout 

Select your favorite cardio workout and aim for a steady pace at 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). 

Thursday: 20-minute power yoga workout 

Feel both the power and stretch as you move through 20 minutes of yoga in the video below: 

Friday: 30-minute full-body strength workout

Repeat your full-body strength workout for three sets of 8–12 reps:

Saturday: 20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout

Similar to last week, you can either use a piece of home exercise equipment or floor exercises for your HIIT cardio workout. 

20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with cardio equipment 

If you choose to use equipment, complete the following workout: 

  1. Warm up for three minutes at a moderate intensity (60–70% of your MHR). 

  2. Work out at maximum effort for 30 seconds, reaching your maximum heart rate by the end of each interval. 

  3. Recover for 30 seconds with very light intensity. 

  4. Complete 15 rounds of on/offs following this pattern.

  5. Cool down for two minutes at light intensity. (50% of MHR)

20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with floor exercises

If you choose floor exercises, complete the following routine which includes the same exercises as week one and two:

  • Moderate-intensity warm-up:

  • Maximum-effort exercise: Work out at maximum effort for 30-seconds, followed by a 30-second recovery. Repeat each exercise below twice before moving onto the next: 

  • Cool-down: 

    • 30 seconds of butt kicks (you can hold your foot at your butt for a quad stretch!)

    • For 30 seconds, open your arms wide and reach back, then bring your arms forward across your body to hug yourself. (Feel free to hold each position to feel a chest and back stretch.)

    • For 60 seconds, lie on the floor, extend your legs straight, bend one knee, and bring your thigh to your chest and hold. Switch legs. 

Sunday: Active recovery/rest 

Take this day to rest up or select an active recovery workout like dynamic stretching or low-intensity Pilates. Listen to your body and let it guide you to what it needs.

Ready to keep going? Check out your week four exercises here

And, if you’re looking for more ways to mix up your workout routine, be sure to check out Hydrow. You’ll get all these workouts (and more!) with Hydrow’s workout library, which includes cardio rowing workouts along with yoga, Pilates, strength training, circuit training, and mobility training. Our workouts are all filmed in beautiful locations around the world and led by motivational world-class Athletes who will motivate you and push you to do your best. 

Learn more about Hydrow and our rowing machines today! 

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