Jump Back Into Fitness Workout Plan: Week 1

We’re so excited you’re here for our six-week workout plan! Getting back into a fitness routine starts with just getting your body moving again, so this week, you’ll be focusing on shorter workouts meant to get your heart rate up and your muscles working, while prioritizing ample rest and recovery to avoid burnout.
Our biggest tip for this week? Be kind to yourself! If you’re getting back into a workout routine after some time off (or starting completely from scratch), there’s going to be a learning curve where exercises may feel more difficult than they once did. Don’t worry—it will get easier over time!
If you need a break, take it. If you need to adapt your workouts to meet your current fitness level, do it. Listening to your body is key to pushing yourself the right amount without risking injury.
So, let’s get to it! Here is your first batch of workouts for the week:
Monday: 15-minute steady cardio workout
Tuesday: 20-minute full-body strength workout
Wednesday: 15-minute recovery yoga workout
Thursday: 20-minute full-body strength workout
Friday: 15-minute steady cardio workout
Saturday: 15-minute HIIT-style cardio workout
Sunday: Active recovery/rest
Monday: 15-minute steady cardio workout
Select your cardio workout—such as rowing, cycling, dancing, or running—and aim for a set pace of 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) for 15 minutes.

Did You Know?
Over 90% of Hydrow members are still active one year later.
Tuesday: 20-minute full-body strength workout
This strength-focused workout involves working through five pairs of exercises. Starting with Pair 1, you’ll do two sets of 8–12 reps before you move down the list onto the other pairs.
Not sure how to do each exercise? Click the links below for more detailed instructions!
Pair 1: Squats and plank shoulder taps
Pair 2: Step-ups and bent-over rows
Pair 3: Wall push-ups and lat pulldowns
Pair 4: Alternating reverse lunges and overhead presses
Pair 5: Bicep curls and triceps extensions
Note: You can expect to repeat this workout routine throughout our six-week workout program, as repeating strength exercises over time will allow you to feel more comfortable and help you refamiliarize yourself with the exercises. Additionally, by repeating these workouts, you can continually evaluate your improvement from start to finish.
Wednesday: 15-minute recovery yoga workout
After two days of cardio and strength training, focus on restoring yourself with this 15-minute twists-focused yoga workout from Hydrow Athlete Owen. Remember to breathe!
Thursday: 20-minute full-body strength workout
Repeat your full-body strength workout from Tuesday, alternating between paired exercises for two sets of 8–12 reps before moving onto the next pairing.
Pair 1: Squats and forearm planks
Pair 2: Step-ups and bent-over rows
Pair 3: Wall push-ups and lat pulldowns
Pair 4: Alternating reverse lunges and overhead presses
Pair 5: Bicep curls and triceps extensions
Friday: 15-minutes steady cardio workout
Select your cardio workout and again, aim for a set pace at 50% to 70% of your MHR for 15 minutes.
Saturday: 15-minute HIIT-style cardio workout
With a focus on alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity intervals, there are two ways of completing this style of cardio workout: Hop on your favorite piece of home exercise equipment, or mix up various floor exercises.
15-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with cardio equipment
If you choose to use equipment like a rowing machine, treadmill, or elliptical, complete the following workout:
Warm up for three minutes at a moderate intensity (60–70% of your MHR).
Work out at maximum effort for 30 seconds, reaching your maximum heart rate by the end of each interval.
Recover for 30 seconds with very light intensity.
Complete 10 rounds of on/offs following this pattern.
Cool down for two minutes at light intensity. (50% of your MHR)
15-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with floor exercises
If you choose floor exercises, complete the following routine:
Moderate-intensity warm-up:
High knees (30 seconds)
Plank to downward dog (30 seconds)
Butt kicks (30 seconds)
Bodyweight squats (30 seconds)
Maximum-effort exercise:
Work out at maximum effort for 30 seconds, followed by a 30-second recovery for each exercise below:
Body squats (for more intensity, complete jump squats)
Half burpees (for more intensity, complete full burpees)
Continue with format and repeat the first three exercises:
Body squats (for more intensity, complete jump squats)
30 seconds of butt kicks (you can hold your foot at your butt for a quad stretch!)
For 30 seconds, open your arms wide and reach back, then bring your arms forward across your body to hug yourself.
For 60 seconds, lie on the floor, extend your legs straight, bend one knee, and bring your thigh to your chest and hold. Switch legs.
Remember that with this workout, you are aiming to reach your maximum heart rate by the end of your high-intensity interval. In other words, you should feel like you are holding on to complete the final seconds of the interval and unable to talk.
Sunday: Active recovery/rest
Congratulations! You made it through your first week. Reward your hard work with a day of rest or active recovery exercises such as gentle yoga, foam rolling, or walking outdoors.
Ready to keep going? Check out your week 2 exercises here.
And, if you’re looking for more ways to mix up your workout routine, be sure to check out Hydrow. You’ll get all these workouts (and more!) with Hydrow’s workout library, which includes cardio rowing workouts along with yoga, Pilates, strength training, circuit training, and mobility training. Our workouts are all filmed in beautiful locations around the world and led by motivational world-class Athletes who will motivate you and push you to do your best.
Learn more about Hydrow and our rowing machines today!

Explore Hydrow
Learn more about how you can transform your fitness routine with a rowing machine.