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28 Best HIIT Workouts for Beginners

Woman does squats for a HIIT workout.
Bri Hand

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to quickly burn calories, improve endurance, and build strength—all without relying on traditional weightlifting or using heavy objects. If you’re looking to spice up your strength training routine, HIIT can be a great option. 

With that said, picking the right exercise combo can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re new to HIIT exercise. Below, we’ve outlined 28 HIIT workouts for beginners to help you get started, including: 

Let's dig in!

HIIT workouts for beginners with zero equipment

Woman does a HIIT workout at home.

Don’t have any workout equipment? No worries! The following HIIT workouts don’t require any equipment, making it easier to kickstart your fitness journey anytime, anywhere: 

1. Jumping jacks interval

  1. Stand with feet together, arms at sides

  2. Jump while spreading arms and legs

  3. Land softly and repeat

  4. 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds rest

2. Push-up intervals

  1. Start in a plank position

  2. Lower chest to the floor

  3. Push back up to plank

  4. Modify if needed

  5. 20 seconds of push-ups, 40 seconds rest

3. Bodyweight squats

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  2. Lower hips back and down, bending knees

  3. Keep chest up and back straight

  4. Return to starting position

  5. 40 seconds of squats, 20 seconds rest

4. Mountain climbers

  1. Start in a plank position

  2. Bring one knee toward the chest

  3. Quickly switch legs

  4. Keep a fast pace

  5. 30 seconds of mountain climbers, 30 seconds rest

Related blog: HIIT vs. Circuit Training: What Is the Difference, and Which Is Best for You?

5. High knees

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart

  2. Lift knees towards chest alternately

  3. Engage arms in the movement

  4. 45 seconds of high knees, 15 seconds rest

6. Plank challenge

  1. Hold a plank position

  2. Keep body straight

  3. Engage core muscles

  4. 30 seconds of plank, 30 seconds rest

7. Burpees

  1. Stand, drop into a squat, kick feet back

  2. Perform a push-up

  3. Jump feet towards hands and stand

  4. 20 seconds of burpees, 40 seconds rest

8. Lunges

  1. Step forward with one foot

  2. Lower the back knee

  3. Push back to starting position

  4. Alternate legs

  5. 40 seconds of lunges, 20 seconds rest

Related Blog: What Is HIIT Training? 

9. Tabata intervals

  1. Choose a challenging exercise for you (for example, burpees or high knees)

  2. Go all-out with the chosen exercise for 20 seconds, giving maximum effort

  3. Rest for 10 seconds

  4. Repeat for four minutes (8 rounds)

10. Sprint intervals

  1. Sprint in place

  2. Lift knees high

  3. 20 seconds of sprinting, 40 seconds rest

11. Bicycle crunches

  1. Lie on your back, hands behind your head

  2. Bring opposite knee to opposite elbow

  3. Keep a cycling motion

  4. 45 seconds of bicycle crunches, 15 seconds rest

12. Side plank dips

  1. Start in a side plank

  2. Lower and lift hips

  3. Switch sides after 15 seconds

  4. 30 seconds each side, 30 seconds rest

13. Power lunges

  1. Begin standing, feet hip-width apart

  2. Step forward with the right foot and lunge

  3. Push back to starting position

  4. Repeat with the left foot

  5. Alternate legs for 30 seconds

  6. Rest for 30 seconds

Related Blog: 15 Best Circuit Training Workouts

14. Reverse lunges

  1. Step backward into a lunge

  2. Keep torso upright

  3. Alternate legs

  4. 30 seconds of reverse lunges, 30 seconds rest

15. Plank to downward dog

  1. Start in plank position

  2. Lift hips to form an inverted V

  3. Return to plank

  4. 45 seconds of plank to downward dog, 15 seconds rest

16. Jumping lunges

  1. Jump into a lunge position

  2. Switch legs in mid-air

  3. 30 seconds of jumping lunges, 30 seconds rest

17. Half-burpees

  1. Start in a standing position

  2. Jump into a plank position

  3. Jump back to the starting position

  4. Stand up, reaching toward the ceiling

  5. 40 seconds of half-burpees, 20 seconds rest

18. Squat to inchworm

  1. Begin with a squat position

  2. Place hands on the floor and walk them forward into a plank

  3. Perform a push-up

  4. Walk hands back toward feet and return to the squat

  5. Repeat for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds

19. Butt kicks

  1. Stand with feet hip-distance apart, arms at sides

  2. Bring right heel to buttocks, contracting the hamstring

  3. Place the ball of the right foot back on the ground

  4. Alternate with the left heel, gradually increasing speed

  5. Continue for 30 seconds

  6. Rest for 30 seconds

  7. Repeat for three sets, resting between each

20. Commandos

  1. Start in a forearm plank

  2. Push up to a full plank, alternating arms

  3. Return to the forearm plank, switching arms

  4. Alternate leading arms throughout

  5. 30 seconds of commandos, 30 seconds rest

HIIT workouts for beginners with equipment

Woman jumps rope as part of a HIIT workout.

Ready to kick things up a notch during your next HIIT session? Try these high-intensity training routines that use equipment for added resistance and versatility for a dynamic fitness and workout routine.

21. Box jumps

  1. Stand in front of a sturdy box

  2. Jump onto the box

  3. Step back down

  4. 30 seconds of box jumps, 30 seconds rest

22. Skipping rope

  1. Rotate the skipping rope using your wrists, not arms

  2. Jump over the rope (imagine one if you don’t have a skipping rope)

  3. One minute of skipping, 30 seconds rest

23. Dumbbell thrusters

  1. Hold dumbbells at shoulder height

  2. Squat, then press weights overhead

  3. Lower back to starting position

  4. 40 seconds of thrusters, 20 seconds rest

24. Kettlebell swings

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart

  2. Hold kettlebell with both hands

  3. Hinge at hips and swing kettlebell

  4. 40 seconds of swings, 20 seconds rest

25. Rowing HIIT workout

  1. Warm up for 5–10 minutes with a moderate rowing pace

  2. Row intensely for 30 seconds, giving your maximum effort

  3. Rest for 30 seconds

  4. Do a total of 10 rounds

  5. Cool down for 5–10 minutes, rowing at a moderate pace

Related: Is Rowing a Good Workout?

26. Step-ups

  1. Step onto a bench or sturdy surface

  2. Alternate legs

  3. 40 seconds of step-ups, 20 seconds rest

27. Jump rope and squat combo

  1. Jump rope vigorously for 30 seconds, maintaining a steady rhythm and light footwork

  2. Rest for 15 seconds

  3. Follow with 30 seconds of bodyweight squats, ensuring proper form with a straight back and knees aligned with toes

  4. Rest for 15 seconds

28. Tempo squats

  1. Warm up for 5–10 minutes

  2. Choose a challenging weight with proper form

  3. Execute squats with a 3-1-3-1 tempo (3 seconds down, 1 second pause, 3 seconds up, 1 second pause)

  4. Repeat for 3–4 sets, resting for 30–60 seconds between sets

  5. Cool down with stretching exercises

Your next-level fitness begins with Hydrow

Man does a rowing machine HIIT workout.

HIIT workouts for beginners using only your body weight are great, but incorporating a rowing machine into your training can increase the intensity and unlock additional benefits. These machines offer a comprehensive, full-body workout adaptable to different fitness levels.

For instance, you can do 20-second intense rowing intervals followed by a 40-second rest and repeated for 10 minutes. As you grow more accustomed, tweak intervals for optimal results. Rowing HIIT burns calories, enhances cardiovascular health, and builds strength, making it a versatile choice for an effective fitness routine.

Interested in a low-impact full-body workout with cardio, strength, and recovery? Hydrow's rowing machines offer the most immersive and efficient total-body workout, with 86% of your body’s muscles worked in a single rowing stroke. In just 20 minutes, you can give your entire body a solid workout, with Hydrow’s community of fellow rowers and world-class Athletes cheering you on along the way. 

Plus, you’ll have a ton of workouts to choose from—Hydrow’s extensive library of rowing workouts are filmed in breathtaking locations around the world, transporting you from your home to stunning waterways across the globe. 

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