HIIT Workout Plan: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Exercises to Try

Following a HIIT workout plan is one way to see some serious fitness gains in a short amount of time. This workout method mixes fast, intense bursts of exercise with brief recovery periods to give you a full workout without the need to log hours in the gym. HIIT combines cardio and strength training to get your heart pumping and muscles working hard.
Below, we’ll dive into a six- to eight-week HIIT workout plan everyone can use, whether you’re just starting out or are a fitness fanatic. Let’s cover the basics, including:
How HIIT works
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) isn’t a particular exercise, such as lifting weights or running. Instead, it refers to a flexible exercise structure that lets you create different routines based on what you want to achieve during each HIIT session.
So, what exactly is HIIT? It’s mixing short, intense exercise with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. Compared to steady cardio, HIIT pushes you to work harder, burning more calories during and after your workout. That’s right: You keep burning fat even when you’re chilling on the couch!
But here’s the deal: HIIT is all about intensity.
You can’t halfheartedly do HIIT; you’ve got to give it your all during those bursts! Start with shorter intervals at around 80 percent effort and gradually ramp up from there.
The importance of warming up before HIIT workouts
Like any other high-intensity exercise, warmups are pretty important before HIIT workouts. You don’t want to just jump straight into your workout sessions without getting your body ready first. Spend about five to 10 minutes doing some light cardio—think jogging, skipping rope, or even some stretching. This gets your blood pumping and wakes up your muscles before you really get going.
Additionally, if you’re new to this form of training, it’s always better to take things really slow and gradually increase the intensity as your fitness level improves.
With that out of the way, let’s get into sample HIIT workout plans for different fitness levels:
Beginner HIIT workout plan
Total workout duration: 15 minutes
Exercise format: Perform each move for 30 seconds on, followed by 30 seconds off.
1. Bodyweight squats (30 seconds)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Get into a squat, engage your core and keep your chest up.
Use your heels to push yourself back to a standing position.
Rest: 30 seconds
2. Push-ups (30 seconds)
Start in a plank position with hands shoulder-width apart.
Lower your chest towards the ground, then push back up to the starting position.
Rest: 30 seconds
3. Jumping jacks (30 seconds)
Stand with your feet together.
Spread your legs and raise your arms above your head as you jump.
Jump back to the starting position.
Rest: 30 seconds
4. Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
Get into a plank position.
Alternate bringing your knees towards your chest in a running motion.
Rest: 30 seconds
5. Burpees (30 seconds)
Get into a squat.
In one quick move, extend your feet backward into a plank position.
Do one push-up.
Kick your feet back to your hands.
Explosively jump up.
Rest: 30 seconds
Wrap up your workout with five to 10 minutes of easy cardio or stretching. This helps your body cool down and recover better.
Try to do this workout two to three times a week. Give yourself at least a day off between sessions to let your body recover.

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Expert tips
Make sure you’re keeping good form while doing each exercise to avoid getting hurt. As you improve over time, you can make the workouts tougher by doing longer work intervals and shorter rest breaks.
And, always pay attention to how your body feels. If something doesn’t feel right or if you have any injuries, don’t push it. It’s okay to modify the exercises to fit your needs!
Intermediate HIIT workout plan
Total workout duration: 20 minutes
Exercise format: Perform each move for 40 seconds on, followed by 20 seconds off.
1. Jump squats (40 seconds)
Get into a squat position.
Explode upward into a jump and land softly.
Rest: 20 seconds
2. Push-up variations (40 seconds)
Rest: 20 seconds
3. High knees (40 seconds)
Rest: 20 seconds
4. Plank with shoulder taps (40 seconds)
Get into a high plank position.
Alternate tapping each shoulder with your opposite hand.
Rest: 20 seconds
5. Burpee with tuck jump (40 seconds)
Rest: 20 seconds
After your workout, take five to 10 minutes to cool down. Do some light cardio or stretch your muscles to help them relax and get more flexible.
Try this workout three to four times a week, but give yourself at least one day off between sessions. Your body needs that rest time!

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Expert tips
When you’re doing the exercises, try to be explosive and fast. But make sure you’re keeping good form to avoid getting hurt. Remember to listen to your body and take it down a notch or switch things up if something feels off.
Related blog: Your HIIT Rowing Workout Guide
Advanced HIIT workout plan
Total workout duration: 30 minutes
Exercise format: Perform each move for 45 seconds on, followed by 15 seconds off.
1. Box jumps (45 seconds)
Rest: 15 seconds
2. Plyometric push-ups (45 seconds)
Rest: 15 seconds
3. Sprint intervals (45 seconds)
Sprint at maximum effort for 45 seconds.
Follow the sprint with walking or jogging for recovery.
Rest: 15 seconds
4. Bicycle crunches (45 seconds)
Lie face up on a yoga mat or the floor.
Place your hands behind your head.
Raise your shoulder slightly off the floor.
Alternate touching your elbows to the opposite knees, pedaling like a bike.
Rest: 15 seconds
5. Lateral bounds (45 seconds)
Rest: 15 seconds
After your workout, spend 10 to 15 minutes stretching out all your major muscles.
Do this workout four to five times a week, but make sure you’re giving yourself enough rest between sessions.
Expert tips
This workout is tough, so make sure you drink plenty of water and eat right for recovery. Adjust how hard you go and how long you rest based on how you’re feeling and what you want to achieve. And mix things up to keep your body guessing and improving.
Try HIIT rowing workouts with Hydrow
As you can see, these HIIT workout plans are a great start no matter where you are in your fitness journey. If you are looking for more ways to incorporate HIIT into your exercise routine, be sure to check out Hydrow! Our extensive library of rowing machine workouts include a ton of HIIT rowing workouts that will get your heart pumping and leave you feeling energized while building strength and endurance, all in a low-impact, full-body workout.
Learn more about Hydrow’s rowing machines and workouts today!

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