Is Rowing Good Cardio?

For those looking to incorporate rowing into their fitness routine, it’s common to wonder, “Is rowing good cardio?”
It’s a fair question! Rowing machines are known for offering low-impact workouts, but it’s important to note that low-impact doesn’t always equate to low-intensity. In fact, rowing machines offer an intense and efficient cardio workout that will really get your heart pumping.
Are you ready to dive into the world of rowing and experience an exhilarating cardio workout? Say goodbye to mundane exercises and hello to rowing — an absolute game-changer for your cardiovascular health and overall fitness.
Get ready to have your heart rate skyrocket as we look at:
Let’s talk about the incredible cardiovascular benefits rowing brings to the table, along with some tips for getting in a great cardio workout through rowing. Get ready to have your heart rate skyrocket!
Is rowing a good cardio workout?
Indoor rowers deliver massive cardiovascular benefits for several reasons, including:
Rowing targets your major muscle groups
Rowing is a full-body workout
Rowing burns a ton of calories
Let’s dig in deeper!
Rowing targets your major muscle groups
First and foremost, rowing engages those major muscle groups in both your upper and lower body, giving your heart a serious workout. Rowing workouts push your cardiovascular system to new heights of strength and endurance, building your heart into a force to be reckoned with by pumping blood and oxygen throughout your entire body.

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Rowing is a full-body workout
But that’s not all! Rowing is a total-body workout, which provides perks beyond just killer legs or a sculpted core. We’re talking about a full-body transformation! When you row, you ignite a symphony of muscles, from your legs to your core, back, and arms. You’ll use everything you’ve got to produce power, which in turn, works your body the hardest.
Rowing burns a ton of calories
Many people see cardio workouts as a great way to burn calories, and rowing workouts are especially calorie-torching. In just 20 minutes of rowing at a moderate intensity, you can kiss around 250 to 300 calories goodbye. Rowing isn’t just a cardio workout — it’s a fat-blasting, calorie-incinerating extravaganza that will leave you feeling amazing.
Related read: How Many Calories Do You Burn on a Rowing Machine?
Tips for getting in a great cardio workout with rowing
So, how can you take your rowing game to the next level? Here are three pro tips to maximize your cardiovascular health and unleash your rowing superpowers, including:
Focus on your posture and your technique
Bump up your intensity over time
Monitor your heart rate during your workouts
Let’s dive in!
1. Focus on your posture and technique
First things first — technique, technique, technique! It’s time to master the art of rowing like a pro. You want to make those strokes count, and you do that with practice.
Start by learning the basics of the rowing stroke, including:
The Catch: The closest point to the screen
The Drive: The push away from the screen
The Finish: The farthest point from the screen
The Recovery: Going back toward the screen
One great way to focus on your form is to take workout classes led by experienced rowers, such as Hydrow’s Athletes. We are constantly working on our form in our rowing workouts and can help guide you through to make sure that you’re getting in the most efficient stroke every time.
2. Bump up your intensity over time
Now, let’s talk about intensity. We’re all about that gradual rise to greatness, so we recommend beginning with shorter rowing sessions at a moderate intensity. Think of it as steady cardio (similar to going out for a run or jog), then slowly building up momentum until you’re ready to bust out faster paces.
As your body becomes stronger and more conditioned, you’ll be able to gradually increase both the duration and intensity of your workouts (and be amazed at the cardiovascular endurance you’ve built up along the way!).

Considering a Hydrow rowing machine? We tackle all your burning questions in our FAQ guide.
3. Monitor your heart rate during your workouts
To keep track of your cardio status, embrace the power of heart rate monitoring. Get yourself a heart rate monitor and keep an eye on that ticker during your workouts. It’s like having a personal guide to help you focus within your target heart rate zone for maximum cardiovascular benefits. Your heart will thank you for the extra attention!
How rowing compares to other cardio workouts
If you’re weighing using an indoor rower against other types of popular cardio workouts, the bottom line is that you can get more done in less time with rowing because of the sheer amount of muscles you work in a single rowing stroke.
Learn more about how rowing stacks up to different types of cardio workouts below:
Rowing vs. running: Both rowing and running strengthen your heart and burn calories, with running generally burning more calories at the same intensity over the same duration. However, because rowing is a full-body workout, it can feel less taxing on specific muscles, allowing you to exercise longer and gain more cardiovascular benefits.
Rowing vs. elliptical: Rowing machines engage more muscles than ellipticals, leading to greater energy expenditure and a more intense cardiovascular workout. While ellipticals are beneficial for heart health, rowing pushes your heart and lungs harder, especially at higher intensities.
Rowing vs. cycling: Both rowing and cycling offer a great cardio workout, but you will be able to get more cardiovascular benefits in less time when using a rowing machine.
Rowing vs. treadmill: Similar to running, using a treadmill will give you an excellent cardio workout—but rowing edges out treadmills because it engages a larger muscle mass increasing your heart rate and oxygen consumption more as you work out.
Rowing vs. swimming: With rowing engaging a larger number of muscle groups simultaneously, you’ll be able to increase your heart rate and get a more intense cardiovascular workout when compared to swimming. The rhythmic motion of rowing also enhances blood circulation, promoting heart health and endurance.
Rowing vs. walking: Both rowing and walking are great for boosting your cardiovascular health, but you’ll have to walk for a lot longer to match rowing’s results.
Related blog: Should You Do Cardio Before or After Weights?
Examples of rowing machine workouts for cardio
If you’re looking to try out a rowing workout specifically focused on improving your cardiovascular health, check out these three picks from Hydrow’s library of over 4,000 workouts:
1. Try This 10-Minute, High-Intensity Rowing Workout in Stunning Alaska
Join Hydrow Athletes Nick and Dani as they navigate high-intensity rowing workout intervals (and icebergs!) beneath the Aialik Glacier near Seward, Alaska. This quick rowing workout takes just 10 minutes to work your entire body.
2. Tackle This 10-Minute HIIT Rowing Workout in Beautiful Norway
Join me in this 10-minute HIIT rowing workout in stunning Bergen, Norway. This express bootcamp HIIT workout will have you tackling quick, 30-second intervals to bring your rowing machine HIIT game to the next level.
3. Test Your Endurance With This 15-Minute Rowing Workout in Switzerland
This 15-minute rowing exercise from Hydrow Athletes Mac and Nick will help you build your stamina and endurance while burning a ton of calories. Jump on your rowing machine and you’ll be immediately transported to the mountains of Switzerland, where Mac and Nick will lead you through two three-minute intervals at 24, two two-minute intervals at 26, and a one-minute interval at 28.
Is a rowing machine good for cardio? Final thoughts
As a full-body exercise with massive calorie-burning potential, rowing is a terrific pick if you’re looking to up your fitness level, build strength, and incorporate more cardio exercises into your fitness routine.
If you are looking to invest in a rowing machine for your home, be sure to check out Hydrow. Our state-of-the-art rowing machines are the perfect addition to any home gym, giving you an immersive and total-body workout in just 20 minutes a day.
Hydrow’s extensive library of workout content is led by our team of world-class and Olympic Athletes and filmed in stunning locations around the world. Whether you’re looking to do a rowing workout or cross-train with yoga, Pilates, and circuit training, you’ll be transported to stunning global destinations that keep you motivated to come back again and again.

Explore Hydrow
Learn more about how you can transform your fitness routine with a rowing machine.