The 22 Best Back Workouts at Home

If you’re looking for exercises that target your back muscles that can easily be done from the comfort of your home, you’re in the right place. Back workouts at home are key for having a balanced body and reducing the risk of injury and aches. And, if you’re stuck in a chair all day, back exercises are super important for enhancing your posture and core strength.
In this guide, we’ll check out some killer home workouts for the back (with and without equipment) that you can easily incorporate into your fitness routine, including:
Let’s dive in!
10 at-home back workouts with equipment
1. Bent-over row
Stand with your hips pushed back and torso tilted 45 degrees.
Hold weights in both hands, extending arms downward.
Pull your hands up beside your ribcage.
Lower them back to the starting position.
2. Front raise to lateral raise
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and hold weights in both hands.
Brace the core, extend your arms in front of you, and lift weights to shoulder height.
Lower them down.
Extend your arms out to the sides and raise the weights to shoulder height.
Return to the starting position.
3. Renegade row
Start in a high plank with hands on weights.
Pull your right fist to your rib cage, keeping a flat back.
Lower the weight, returning to the plank.
Repeat on the opposite side.
4. Single arm dumbbell row
Assume a staggered stance, with one leg behind and the other slightly bent at the knee.
Incline torso almost parallel to the floor.
Hold a dumbbell in one hand and place the other on the bent knee for support.
Lift the dumbbell toward your chest.
5. Seated machine back row
Sit on the rower with your feet secured and grab the rowing handle.
Keeping the core engaged, extend your legs, lean your back, and pull the rower’s handle to your chest.
Squeeze your shoulder blades, focusing on the upper back muscle group.
Pause briefly at the chest, then extend your arms, lean forward, and repeat.
Aim for 3 sets of 10–12 reps; adjust resistance as needed.

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6. Upright row
Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended downward, palms facing your body.
Bring weights straight up, keeping them close to your body and leading with your elbows.
Lift until the dumbbells reach chest height.
Lower weights back down to the starting position.
Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps.
7. Deadlift upright row
Stand, feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells with an overhand grip.
Bend knees, hinge at hips, lowering weights toward the floor.
Keep back flat, and avoid knees going past toes.
Once at shin level, lift back up to the starting position.
8. Bow and arrow
Begin in a low squat with feet hip width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.
Twist torso to one side, lowering the opposite arm while keeping the other tucked close to your shoulder.
Alternate sides and repeat.
9. T raises
Stand with feet hip width apart, holding dumbbells in both hands.
Slightly bend knees, shift hips back, lower torso to parallel with the floor.
Bring dumbbells together with palms facing forward.
Keep arms straight, lift weights to shoulder height, then lower down.
Engage core and glutes throughout.

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10. Single-leg row
Stand with staggered feet, holding a weight in your right hand, palm facing your body.
Hinge forward, lifting your right foot behind you.
Let the weight hang under the shoulder, lower your torso, and raise your right leg until both are parallel to the floor.
Bring the weight to your rib cage and pause.
Gradually lower until your arm is fully extended. This completes one rep.
Finish all reps, then switch sides and repeat the exercise.
12 at-home back workouts without equipment
11. Bird dogs
Begin on all fours, maintaining a neutral spine and shoulders.
With the core engaged, extend your left arm and right leg, forming a straight line.
Hold for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position.
Repeat by extending your right arm and left leg.
12. Push-up hold
Begin in push-up position, hands wider than shoulders, feet hip-width apart.
Bend your elbows to lower body until hovering above ground.
Hold briefly, press halfway up, and pause.
Lower down, pause, then return to the halfway point.

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13. Back and booty blasters
Lie flat face down.
Lift your chest, arching your back and interlacing your hands behind you.
Lift your hands and legs, touching heels together.
Slowly separate and then bring your legs together.
14. Bodyweight hip hinge
Stand, feet hip width apart, arms bent behind head, elbows wide.
Hinge at hips, lowering torso until chest is parallel to the floor.
Push through feet, squeeze glutes, and return to the starting position.
15. Back extensions
Lie facedown on a mat.
Let the stomach and hips rest on the mat with legs fully extended.
Place palms down, lift upper back.
Hold for 30–45 seconds.
Return to starting position.
16. Superman
Lie facedown, arms and legs extended, forming a straight line.
Engage abs and squeeze glutes as you lift all limbs, chest, and head off the floor.
Hold for 3–5 seconds.
Gently lower to starting position.
17. Twister
Squat into a chair position with hands in a prayer pose.
Twist your torso left, placing right elbow outside the left knee and pointing the other elbow upward.
Hold for three breaths before returning to the center.
Repeat on the other side.
18. Wide-grip push-up
Assume a push-up position with hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
Lower your body close to the ground.
Drive up with force, fully extending your arms.
19. Cat cow
Start on hands and knees.
Lower your head between your arms, rounding your upper back.
Return slowly, extending your neck and arching your lower back.
20. Plank with lateral arm raise
Get into a straight-arm plank, hands below shoulders, feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
Lift one arm to shoulder height, keeping hips steady.
Bring the lifted arm back down to the plank position.
Repeat with the other arm.
Engage the core throughout the move.
21. Pilates swimming
Lie on your stomach, arms and legs extended.
Lift arms and legs a few inches, start pedaling as if swimming.
Continue for 30–60 seconds.
22. Plank up down
Start in a forearm plank, either on your toes or knees.
Lift your right arm, pressing the palm into the floor.
Lift your left arm, transitioning into a high plank.
Return to the starting position by lowering down one arm at a time.
Find more at-home back workouts with Hydrow
Home back workouts are a must for a well-rounded fitness routine. Beyond preventing back pain, showing your back some love can boost your flexibility and motion range.
If you’re looking to incorporate more types of exercise into your workout routine, be sure to check out Hydrow. Our extensive library of workouts includes rowing machine workouts, strength training, circuit training, yoga, Pilates, and mobility workouts—all led by world-class Athletes from stunning locations around the world.

Explore Hydrow's library of 5,000+ rowing, circuit training, yoga, Pilates, and mobility workouts.