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The 9 Best Bodyweight Exercises to Build Muscle at Home

Woman does a squat, one of the best bodyweight exercises.
Rina Thomas

Strength training is a game-changer for your health and fitness, but many people don’t necessarily have  access to popular strength equipment like dumbbells or kettlebells or time to get to a gym that does have this equipment available. This is where bodyweight exercises come in handy: Building muscle doesn’t require lots of equipment or tons of weight—instead, bodyweight exercises that can be done at home can be very effective for building muscle and strength. 

Below, we’ll dig into everything you need to know about building muscle at home with bodyweight exercises, including: 

Let’s dive in!

What are bodyweight exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are any exercise that helps build muscle strength by using only your body as resistance. Bodyweight exercises can also be used to enhance cardiovascular health and endurance. 

The benefits of bodyweight exercises

Man and his son do a plank, an example of a bodyweight exercise.

Like any type of strength training, bodyweight exercises help build muscle, prevent injuries, burn calories, strengthen bones, and increase body awareness and balance. And while strength training in any form is good for your overall fitness, bodyweight exercises offer unique benefits as well, including: 

  • They can be done anywhere at any time, and since no equipment is required, there’s no need to find space for dumbbells or other equipment in your home. 

  • Bodyweight exercises are easily modified for injuries or issues like arthritis.

  • They’re time-efficient because you can do them anytime without equipment or commuting to a gym.

  • Bodyweight exercises often use more muscle groups at one time, so your balance and mobility are enhanced.

9 of the best bodyweight exercises to try at home

Woman does a plank, an example of a bodyweight exercise.

1. Push-ups 

This classic exercise works the chest, shoulders, arms, and the core. 

To do: Start in a high plank position with your wrists under your shoulders or slightly wider, and your body in a straight line from shoulders to heels. Keeping your abs tight, bend your elbows and lower your body to just above the floor. Pause, press back up to start, and repeat.

2. Tricep dips

Tricep dips can be done on the floor, but a chair or bench will give you a wider range of motion. They primarily work your triceps, but also engage your chest and shoulders. 

To do: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands on the floor behind you. Extend your arms so your butt comes off the floor. Keeping your hips up, bend your elbows to lower your body using just your arms until just above the floor. Push back up and repeat.

3. Walking lunges

Lunges work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. They can also work your core when you brace your body for stabilization. Adding the walking element can also increase the cardio factor, but make sure you maintain a steady, controlled pace.

To do: Stand tall with hands on your hips or clasped in front of you. Take a large step forward, keeping your upper body upright, then lower down into a lunge until your back knee is just above the floor. Stand up and step forward with your back leg, swinging through to take another large step and continue.

4. Mountain climbers

The mountain climber exercise is a great full-body workout that targets your legs, abs, chest, arms, and shoulders. 

To do: Start in a high plank position. Lift one foot off the floor and pull your knee up toward your chest. Quickly switch feet repeatedly as if you’re running.

5. Burpees

Burpees are another excellent full-body exercise. They are notoriously tough, so they’re great for your cardiovascular system, too. And there are plenty of ways to modify them, if you need to.

To do: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat down and put your hands on the floor in front of and outside of your feet. Keeping your abs tight, jump your feet back into a plank position. Jump your feet forward, stand up out of the squat, and jump up. Land with your knees slightly bent. Eliminate the jump at the end if you need a lower-impact activity.

6. Glute bridges

Glute bridges will strengthen your core and lower body, especially your glutes and hamstrings.

To do: Lie on the floor with knees bent, feet flat, and arms extended at your sides for stability. Tighten your abs and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips. Lift until your body makes a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Lower and repeat.

7. Planks

Planks, and their many variations, are a great core workout, working abs, back, chest, and arms.

To do: Lay on your stomach, propped on your elbows. Flex your feet so you’re resting on your toes and brace your abs. Lift your body to form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels.

8. Jump squats

This exercise can be challenging and will work your lower body as well as give you a good cardio workout. 

To do: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping your chest up, squat down until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, swinging your arms behind you as you squat. Explode up, throwing your arms forward and jumping off the floor. Pull your knees toward your chest as you jump. Land softly, and immediately squat and jump again.

9. Russian twists

This core exercise will work your abs, hips, and lower back. Consider sitting on a mat or folded towel for a little more comfort.

To do: Sit on floor, keep your upper body tall, lift your feet off the floor, and lean your upper body back slightly, creating a V shape with your thighs and upper body. Clasp your hands out in front of you, and using your ab muscles, twist to one side then to the other.

How to build an at-home bodyweight workout routine

Woman does a lunge, one of the best bodyweight exercises.

Creating a bodyweight strength routine is not difficult, but there are a few things to consider:

  • Structure your exercise routine so that you have at least a day of rest between strength workouts.

  • Incorporate exercises that work all major muscle groups: upper body, core, and lower body.

  • Consider doing more reps of each exercise than you would if you were adding weight. This allows you to progress and overload your muscles.

Bodyweight exercises offer a simple yet powerful way to build muscle from the comfort of home. Plus, creating a bodyweight strength routine comes with plenty of benefits. To maximize your results and ensure proper form, follow along with expert-led workouts in Hydrow’s extensive library of strength training workouts—your guide to a stronger, more confident you!

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