Twenty-Minute Workouts: Putting together workouts that are right for you

Hydrow’s resident exercise physiologist and Director of Exercise Research & Innovation, Dr. Kristin Haraldsdottir maps out a few of the physiological and psychological benefits of working out for 20-minutes every day, then provides a few combinations of workouts to reach that 20-minute threshold.
We’ve created the Commit to Fit Fall Challenge to inspire you to establish a regular workout routine. Not only do we know that regular exercise has endless health benefits, but we also know that just 20-minutes of exercise can completely transform your day, give you a boost of energy, and instill a sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned pro, everyone has different health and fitness goals, and every day is different.
We want to help you put together a 20-minute workout that’s right for you, because at the end of the day, the best workout for you is the one that you actually end up doing. Remember, a 20-minute workout doesn’t need to be daunting -- we have endless possible combinations for you, and we hope these inspire you to try out different ways to fit in your 20-minutes of Hydrow (both on the water and on the mat) today!
For all of these workouts, head to Hydrow’s Library and select the workout type, duration, and Athlete in the filters at the top of the screen!
New to Fitness
Warm-up your body with a technique-focused warm-up on the Hydrow, followed by a 10-minute core Pilates workout. In just 20-minutes, you will have crushed some cardio and core.
First workout: Michelle’s 10-minute Technique Warm-Up from 8/27 Second workout: Christie and Laine’s 10-minute Core Pilates On the Mat from 8/27
Need to Chill Out
Having trouble motivating yourself today? Join James for a low-intensity 10-minute row listening to rock music, and finish up your workout with 10-minutes of mobility On the Mat with Peter and Sera Moon.
First workout: James’ 10-minute Breathe - Steady Technique Row from 7/3 Second workout: Peter and Sera Moon’s 10-minute Post Row Mobility On the Mat from 7/12
Core Workout
Challenge your core with a 15-minute Core Pilates workout with Christie and 5-minutes of core strength with Peter.
First workout: Christie’s 15-minute Core Pilates On the Mat from 7/20 Second workout: Peter’s 5-minute Hip-Hop Core Strength On the Mat from 7/14
Want a good old fashioned cardio workout? This combination will break your cardio workout into two 10-minute segments. Start with 10-minutes climbing in rhythm with Dani, then end with 10-minutes descending in rhythm with Mike. And a Breathe workout doesn’t mean a lack of cardio -- your heart will definitely be pumping after these two rows.
First workout: Dani’s Breathe - 10-minute Steady Technique Row from 7/16 Second workout: Mike’s 10-minute Breathe - Reverse Climb Row from 7/29
Music-Based Workout
Want to lose yourself in a workout? Mac worked with DJ Boogie, Hydrow’s in-house DJ to create a playlist that shifts with every interval change during the workout. You won’t notice the time go by, and will wish the workout was longer!
Workout: Mac’s 20-minute Sweat - Dance Intervals Row from 8/25
Really Need a Challenge
Ready to race? Warm-up for 5-minutes with Nick to get ready for your 15-minute racing workout with Aquil. Choose this combination if you want to work hard and get your heart pumping. First workout: Nick’s 5-minute Technique + Power Warm-Up from 4/22 Second workout: Aquil’s 15-minute Drive - Endurance Pyramid Row from 8/16
So excited to see all that you accomplish with Hydrow. See you on the water (and the mat), Kristin