The 15 Best Full-Body Circuit Training Workouts for Beginners

Circuit training is one of the most efficient (and engaging!) ways to work out, especially for beginners looking to establish a solid fitness foundation to build upon. It combines strength, cardio, and endurance exercises in a structured format, making it perfect for building overall fitness and burning calories in a short amount of time.
If you’re new to fitness or looking to start your circuit training journey, you’re not alone! We’re here to help guide you through 15 of the best full-body workouts for beginners, as well as how they benefit your body and tips for performing them properly.
In this blog, we’ll cover these 15 full-body circuit training workouts:
Let’s get started!
1. Bodyweight circuit
A bodyweight circuit is a beginner-friendly workout using only your body weight. It’s great for those who don’t have exercise equipment in their home or may be new to the gym and need an approachable way to get started. Bodyweight circuits improve your strength, endurance, and mobility without the need for complicated or expensive equipment.
How to do a bodyweight circuit
Jumping jacks: 30 seconds
Push-ups: 10 reps (modify if needed)
Bodyweight squats: 15 reps
Plank hold: 20 seconds
Rest for 1–2 minutes.
Repeat 3–4 rounds.
2. Full-body dumbbell circuit
This type of circuit will require a pair or set of dumbbells in order to increase your resistance beyond your own bodyweight. Investing in a few dumbbells—light, medium, and heavy—can make this workout accessible at home—otherwise, you can try it at your local gym.
Full-body dumbbell circuits enhance your strength and add variety to a standard bodyweight circuit.
How to do a full-body dumbbell circuit
Dumbbell deadlifts: 10 reps
Overhead dumbbell presses: 10 reps
Dumbbell rows: 10 reps per side
Dumbbell side lunges: 10 reps per side
Rest for 1–2 minutes
Repeat three rounds.

Explore Hydrow’s library of Circuit Training workouts from around the world.
3. Rowing machine circuit
This is a combination circuit that incorporates a rowing machine with bodyweight exercises for a balanced, full-body workout. You can try this one at the gym or by using your Hydrow rower at home.
A rowing machine circuit is beneficial due to its low-impact cardio that targets major muscle groups. Rowing workouts can also improve posture and torch calories in little time.
How to do a rowing machine circuit
Row for 500 meters at a moderate pace.
Safely step off of your machine.
Push-ups: 10 reps
Squats: 15 reps
Standard plank: 20 seconds
Rest for one minute.
Repeat three rounds
4. Core-focused circuit
A core-focused circuit will still engage your entire body but put extra emphasis on strengthening your core muscles. This type of circuit can help improve your stability and lead to greater definition in your ab muscles.
How to do a core-focused circuit:
Mountain climbers: 30 seconds
Russian twists: 10 reps per side
Plank shoulder taps: 10 reps per side
Bicycle crunches: 15 reps per side
Rest for 1–2 minutes.
Repeat three rounds.
5. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuit
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuits feature alternating short bursts of intense effort with brief rest periods in between. This type of exercise maximizes calorie burn and builds endurance over time.
How to do a high-intensity interval circuit
Burpees: 30 seconds
Rest: 15 seconds
Jump squats: 30 seconds
Rest: 15 seconds
Push-ups: 30 seconds
Rest: 15 seconds
Repeat 3–4 rounds.
6. Chair or workout bench circuit
This type of circuit is a seated or supported workout for those with limited mobility or who are easing into fitness. Using a workout bench or chair can provide a gentle introduction to exercise with added stability and support throughout your workout.
How to do a chair or workout bench circuit
Chair squats: 10 reps
Seated punches: 30 seconds (add weights to increase intensity)
Step-ups (on a sturdy surface): 10 reps per side
Rest for 1-2 minutes.
Repeat four rounds.

Explore Hydrow's library of 5,000+ rowing, circuit training, yoga, Pilates, and mobility workouts.
7. Tabata circuit
Tabata is similar to a HIIT workout in that it focuses on high-intensity exercises for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. The benefits are similar to those of a HIIT workout—plus, Tabata is a great pick if you’re in need of a particularly time-efficient workout.
How to do a Tabata circuit
Burpees: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Push-ups: 20 seconds
Rest: 10 seconds
Repeat 4x
Rest for one minute
Repeat steps 1–6 for the following exercise pairs:
Squat jumps and mountain climbers
Jumping lunges and high knees
Russian twists and sit-ups
8. Resistance band circuit
Resistance bands are great for beginners who don’t want to invest a ton of money into fitness equipment but don’t mind spending a little on these effective exercise tools. Resistance bands help build strength through low-impact and joint-friendly exercises.
How to do a resistance band circuit
Banded squats: 10 reps
Banded rows: 10 reps per side
Banded lateral walks: 15 steps per side
Banded glute bridges: 15 reps
Rest for 1–2 minutes.
Repeat three rounds.
9. Cardio and strength combo circuit
This circuit combines cardio and strength exercises for a well-rounded workout that will leave you dripping in sweat. Doing both cardio and strength exercises in a single workout session can help build muscle and improve your heart health.
How to do a cardio and strength combo circuit
Row for 250 meters at a moderate pace
10 push-ups
15 bodyweight (or weighted) squats
Row for 250 meters at a moderate pace on a rowing machine (or do another type of cardio exercise)
20-second plank hold
10 dumbbell shoulder presses (alternate with dumbbell curls and lateral raises)
Rest for one minute.
Repeat three rounds.

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Over 90% of Hydrow members are still active one year later.
10. Partner circuit
Working out with friends is always more fun! This partner circuit can help boost your accountability and push yourself further to set personal records. If you have a friend or family member who’d love to join you, try the following exercises that are designed for two people.
How to do a partner circuit
Partner A: Row for 500 meters on a rowing machine (or do another cardio exercise)
Partner B: Cycle through 10 push-ups, 10 squats, and 10 burpees until Partner A finishes.
Swap exercises and repeat for three rounds.
11. Circuit for small spaces
If you’re looking to get into fitness at home but have a small space to work with, fear not! There are plenty of circuit training exercises you can do without a designated room for equipment or exercising.
How to do this circuit for small spaces
Jumping jacks: 30 seconds
Bodyweight squats: 15 reps
Push-ups: 10 reps
Standing side crunches: 10 reps per side
Rest for one minute.
Repeat 3–4 rounds.
12. Lower-body circuit
While this circuit will engage your entire body, it will put extra emphasis on your lower body, building the strength and endurance of your legs and glutes. This circuit will help you build strength and stability through exercises that primarily challenge your legs and glutes. You can also add weighted dumbbells to add intensity.
How to do a lower-body circuit
Bodyweight squats: 15 reps
Glute bridges: 15 reps
Step-ups: 10 reps per side
Lunges: 10 reps per side
Rest for one minute.
Repeat 3–4 rounds.
13. Upper-body circuit
Like the lower-body circuit, the upper-body circuit will challenge your whole body but also focus attention on upper-body muscles like your arms, back, shoulders, and chest. The best part about this circuit is that it can help to improve upper-body strength and posture.
How to do an upper-body circuit
Push-ups: 10 reps
Dumbbell curls: 10 reps per side
Overhead dumbbell press: 10 reps
Dumbbell rows: 10 reps per side
Rest for one minute.
Repeat three rounds.
14. Plyometric circuit
Plyometric exercises utilize force and speed to build muscles, helping you develop power, speed, and agility. This circuit is designed to have explosive movements to challenge your whole body and build strength and stamina.
How to do a plyometric circuit
Jump squats: 10 reps
Box jumps (on a sturdy surface): 10 reps
Lunge jumps: 10 reps per side
Jump rope: 30 seconds
Rest for one minute.
Repeat three rounds.
15. Flexibility and mobility circuit
This gentle workout focuses on improving your range of motion and is great for anyone looking to stretch, increase mobility, or even add a great warm-up or cool-down to a more intense workout session. This circuit can enhance your flexibility and help prevent injury when participating in other intense activities.
How to do a flexibility and mobility circuit
Leg swings (switch legs after 30 seconds): 1 minute
Arm circles (switch arms after 30 seconds: 1 minute
Side lunges (switch legs after 30 seconds): 1 minute
Cat-cow stretches: 10 reps
Child’s pose: 30 seconds
Rest for one minute.
Repeat three rounds.
Time to get started!
Starting your fitness journey with circuit training is a fantastic way to build strength, improve endurance, and boost your confidence. These 15 beginner-friendly full-body circuits offer variety, flexibility, and clear guidance to help you get started. Remember, consistency is key—pick a few circuits you enjoy and incorporate them into your routine. You can even modify it by combining your favorites or adding them to the end of your favorite Hydrow rowing workout.
One of the best ways to invest in your health and incorporate full-body circuits into your repertoire is to consider a rowing machine like Hydrow. Indoor rowers offer an immersive and efficient total-body workout, targeting 86% of your muscles in each rowing stroke. And, because rowing is both a cardiovascular and strength workout, you only need 20 minutes per day to build strength and burn calories.
Hydrow rowing machines also come with an extensive library of workout content led by our team of world-class athletes, who have been filmed in gorgeous locations worldwide. Our rowing, circuit training, yoga, Pilates, mobility training, and strength training workouts will transport you to stunning global destinations and motivate you to return.
Learn more about the benefits of rowing and a Hydrow rowing machine today!

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