21 Best HIIT Workouts at Home

Woman does a push-up, one of the best HIIT workouts at home.
Bri Hand and Bri Dalton

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts at home are super convenient and effective, giving you a full-body workout that hits all the right muscle groups.

If you’re looking to level up your at-home cardio, boost core strength, or tone up from head to toe, incorporating challenging HIIT workout moves into your exercise routine can help you achieve your fitness and home workout goals. 

Below, we’ll dive into 21 of the best HIIT workouts you can do at home, including: 

Let’s get started!

1. Jumping jack

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart

  2. Jump, lifting arms, and land with feet apart

  3. Jump again, bringing hands down, and land with feet together

  4. Repeat

2. Butt kicker

  1. Stand, feet hip-width apart, core engaged

  2. Place your hands at the small of your back

  3. Jog in place for your work interval, kicking heels high, aiming to tap your butt

3. Air squat

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart

  2. Lift arms and bend your knees, keeping them over your toes, into a squat

  3. Lower arms and push through heels to stand, squeezing glutes at the top

4. Jump squat

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart

  2. Lower into a squat

  3. Push through heels and jump up, fully extending legs

  4. Land back in a squat position

  5. Repeat

Related blog: HIIT vs. Circuit Training: What Is the Difference, and Which Is Best for You?

5. High knees

  1. Stand tall, arms bent at a 90-degree angle, elbows at sides, and palms facing down

  2. Lift each knee high to touch your palm as you run in place at maximum speed

6. Plank jack

  1. Being in a plank with ankles together, ensuring a straight line from head to heels and engaged abs

  2. Jump both feet out wide

  3. Bring both feet back together

Hint: Think of it like doing horizontal jumping jacks!

7. Walkout with push-up

  1. Stand tall with feet flat

  2. Bend and place hands near feet, feeling the hamstring stretch

  3. Keeping legs straight, walk your hands away from your feet until you are in a high plank position

  4. Perform a push-up, return to the high plank position

  5. Walk hands back toward feet and repeat

8. Bear crawl

  1. Go on all fours

  2. Lift knees a few inches off the ground

  3. Keep a flat back, arms shoulder-width apart, and legs hip-width apart

  4. Move right hand and left foot forward, then left hand and right foot forward for one rep

  5. Reverse the movement

  6. Repeat the sequence

Related Blog: Short on Time? Try These 30-Minute HIIT Workouts

9. Blast-off plank to shoulder tap

  1. Begin in a high plank, legs straight, core engaged

  2. Crouch, balancing on toes, knees slightly off the floor, pushing hips back, and extending arms forward

  3. Spring forward, pushing off toes to return to high plank

  4. Alternate tapping right hand to left shoulder and left hand to right shoulder

  5. Push hip back into the crouched position for one rep

10. Burpees with push-up

  1. Stand, feet shoulder width apart, arms at sides

  2. Squat and reach forward, place hands on the floor shoulder-width apart

  3. Kick legs back into a high plank with hands under shoulders

  4. Lower chest with a push-up, then straighten elbows

  5. Jump feet toward hands for a squat position

  6. Explosively jump up, reaching arms overhead

  7. Repeat

11. Skater hop

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart

  2. Slightly bend knees and hop to the right, leading with the right foot and swinging the left just behind

  3. Swing arms across the body to aid the jump

  4. Land on the right foot, bending the knee slightly for balance

  5. Jump back to the left, landing on your left foot

  6. Aim for maximum distance and speed while maintaining balance

Related Blog: 12 Cardio Endurance Exercises to Add to Your Fitness Routine

12. I-Y-T raise

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, slightly hinge forward, maintaining a slight knee bend and engaged core

  2. Raise your arms straight up, aligning them with your shoulders for the “I” position.

  3. Lower your arms

  4. Lift your arms straight up and out at a 45-degree angle for the “Y” position. 

  5. Lower your arms

  6. Extend your arms to the sides, bringing shoulder blades together for the “T” position. 

  7. Lower your arms. This completes one rep

Related: How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out at Home

13. Mountain climber

  1. Begin in a high plank with a straight back, head aligned with the spine, hands beneath the shoulders

  2. Engage your core and keep torso steady

  3. Bring each knee toward your chest in quick succession

14. Mountain climber twist

  1. Get into a high plank, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders above wrists.

  2. Extend legs and engage core

  3. Bring right knee to left elbow

  4. Return to the starting position and quickly bring left knee to right elbow

  5. Alternate between sides, maintaining a quick pace

Related Blog: 28 Best HIIT Workouts for Beginners

15. Runner’s lunge

  1. Step back into a left-leg reverse lunge from standing

  2. Push through your right heel to stand and lift your left leg in front at 90 degrees

  3. Repeat

16. Superman with pull-down

  1. Lie face down on a mat, arms at shoulder height, elbows bent at 90 degrees like a goalpost

  2. Engage core and upper back, lifting shoulders, arms, chest, and feet off the floor

  3. Gaze down to maintain a neutral neck position

  4. Extend both hands overhead, then pull shoulder blades back to the goalpost position

  5. Exhale and lower back to the floor. This completes one rep

17. Russian twist

  1. Sit with legs straight, leaning back on your butt

  2. Bend knees, raising feet off the floor, forming a “V” shape with thighs and torso

  3. Back should be at a 45-degree angle to the floor

  4. Cross arms in front of chest

  5. Engage your core to rotate right, return to center, and twist to the left

18. Squat to curtsy lunge

  1. Begin with feet hip-width apart, hold hands at chest height, and engage the core

  2. Hinge at the hips for a squat, pushing hips back, and bending knees until thighs are parallel to the floor

  3. Stand and bring your left foot behind your right leg

  4. Keep core engaged and bend knees into a curtsy squat

  5. Return to the starting position, perform another squat, then repeat the curtsy lunge on the other side

Related: Is Rowing a Good Workout?

19. Lateral lunge

  1. Stand with hands on hips and feet together

  2. Take a big step to the right

  3. As your foot lands, hinge at the hips, push your butt back, and lower into a lunge with your right knee

  4. Pause briefly, then push off your right leg, returning to the starting position

  5. Repeat on one side for half your work period, then switch sides

20. Pilates 100

  1. Lie on your back

  2. Raise both legs toward the ceiling and lower them halfway, creating an angled position

  3. Lift your head, extend your arms alongside your body with palms facing down

  4. Perform arm pumps, inhaling for five counts and exhaling for five counts

  5. Repeat the breathing and pumping pattern 10 times

21. Bicycle crunch

  1. Lie face up, lift legs and bend knees 90 degrees over hips

  2. Place your hands behind your head with elbows pointing to the sides. Lift shoulders off the floor using your abs

  3. Twist, bringing your right elbow to your left knee while straightening the right leg

  4. Twist, bringing the left elbow to your right knee, and straightening your left leg simultaneously

Experience the power of HIIT workouts at home with Hydrow

Looking to try out more HIIT-style training? Indoor rowing machine workouts integrate short, intense bursts into your exercise routine, delivering a highly effective full-body workout. These intense intervals, followed by a rest period, contribute to achieving your fitness goals.

Rowing machines like the Hydrow or Hydrow Wave provide a low-impact, full-body workout complete with cardio, strength, and recovery — all from the comfort of your home. With on-the-water rowing workouts led by world-class Athletes, you can travel the world and train 86% of your muscles in just 20 minutes. 

Bri Dalton

Bri Dalton is Hydrow's Content Marketing Manager and enjoys writing, singing, kayaking, and Zumba!

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