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Are Rowing Machines the Next Big Thing for Seniors?

Older man gets ready to work out on a rowing machine.
Bri Hand

In recent years, seniors have been keeping pace with the younger crowd in the fitness world, with rowing machines in particular becoming a popular choice. Contrary to the stereotype that seniors slow down with age, Hydrow data shows that our members over 60 are completing nearly as many workouts per week as those under 60 and are often rowing for just as long as their younger counterparts. 

What’s more, the number of Hydrow members over the age of 60 has more than doubled since the start of 2022, demonstrating the growing interest in rowing among this population. But it’s not just about staying active—seniors are choosing rowing for its unique benefits, and they’re excelling at it. 

Seniors are leading the charge in rowing workouts

While younger Hydrow members often gravitate toward on-the-mat workouts like yoga, Pilates, circuit training, and strength training, seniors are more inclined to hop on their rowing machine. And they’re not just showing up—they’re crushing it! 

Nearly 60% of Hydrow members over 60 have earned milestone badges for the number of meters they’ve rowed or the number of days they’ve worked out. And this crew is not one for giving up, completing a whopping 78% of the workouts they’ve started. What’s more, seniors who participate in Hydrow challenges are likely to stick with them. On average, seniors complete 2.5 challenges, indicating a strong commitment to returning and pushing their limits. 

While the majority of seniors in the Hydrow community have some rowing experience, 35% of people over 60 reported they have never rowed before. This group in particular is more likely to complete one of Hydrow’s “Learn to Row” workouts, indicating a commitment toward learning or relearning the sport to maximize their workouts and avoid injury. 

Interestingly, seniors were also more likely than their younger counterparts to flag “learning to exercise” as their biggest fitness goal. And, nearly half of Hydrow members over 60 reported that they are not necessarily new to fitness but are getting used to it after some time off. 

Why rowing machines are such a hit with seniors

So, what makes rowing machines so appealing to this older crowd? Here are a few reasons: 

1. Rowing offers low-impact, full-body exercise

Rowing machines are an excellent low-impact exercise option for seniors because they don’t place excessive stress on the joints. This allows seniors to engage in a full-body cardiovascular exercise without exacerbating any existing joint pain. 

“I’ll be 87 in May, and I still love being active,” shared one Hydrow member. “I have to believe it’s one of the reasons I’m healthy at this age. My Hydrow has allowed me to get full-body workouts with no impact on my aging body; it’s a challenge that I look forward to almost every day.” 

Seniors appreciate that rowing machines are gentle yet effective, providing a safe way to stay active without putting strain on their bodies. 

2. Rowing helps improve overall health

As both a cardio and strength exercise, rowing helps improve heart health and strengthen muscles. This combination makes rowing a highly effective option for seniors looking to improve or maintain their health and fitness as they age. 

In fact, building strength was flagged as the top fitness goal of Hydrow members over 60, a stark departure from all other age groups, who prioritized “burning fat” above all other goals. Seniors were 22% less likely to be working toward burning fat.

Seniors are also 30% more likely to prioritize improving their endurance.

“I’m not in it for the racing—at 65, I just want to stay healthy,” shared Hydrow member Felice. “Hydrow has given me confidence in myself and made me realize that I can achieve fitness and feel accomplished even at 65. I’m proud of myself for staying committed and seeing continuous growth in my stamina and health.”

Graphic showing the top fitness goals of Hydrow members over 60, including building strength and burning fat.

3. Rowing reduces the risk of injury and falls

Rowing machines offer seniors a safe and effective exercise option that helps reduce the risk of injury and falls, which is a growing concern given the potential for serious injuries, fractures, and loss of independence as we age. 

The rowing motion engages core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back, which are vital for maintaining balance, stability, and coordination—key factors in fall prevention. By strengthening these muscles, as well as the legs, rowing enhances lower-body strength, enabling seniors to walk and navigate their surroundings with greater confidence.

4. Rowing machines are great for injury or surgery recovery

Rowing is also a fantastic exercise option for those who have workout limitations, such as an injury or surgery. Because of its low-impact nature, it allows seniors to get a workout in without placing undue strain on their bodies that could aggravate existing injuries.

“I’ve been a runner all of my adult life and worked through all of the typical issues—knees, hips, etc.,” shared our 87-year-old Hydrow member. “During one of those ‘recovery’ periods, my wife and I started wondering about an alternative or addition to our workout regimen. One of our children has a Hydrow and we decided to try it. Obviously, we were hooked!”

Rowing is also a great option for those recovering from surgery. Rowing machines offer highly adjustable resistance, allowing seniors to start slow and work up to higher intensities as their recovery progresses.  

“I had open heart surgery a year ago, and Hydrow was a huge part of my long rehab,” shared Hydrow member Yves. “I will be 70 in January and will keep rowing until I can’t!” 

5. Rowing helps boost flexibility

Maintaining flexibility is crucial for overall health and mobility for seniors, and rowing machines can play a significant role in improving flexibility as part of a regular exercise routine. In fact, Hydrow’s senior community was over 100% more likely than younger members to claim they were using their rowing machine as a way to improve their flexibility. 

The rowing motion enhances joint range of motion, stretching and strengthening various muscle groups, including the arms, legs, core, and back, which helps counteract the natural decline in flexibility that comes with aging and a sedentary lifestyle.

Regular rowing exercises not only improve flexibility and range of motion, making everyday tasks easier, but also prevent muscle imbalances that can lead to poor posture and limited movement. By incorporating rowing into their fitness routine, older adults can enhance their overall quality of life, enjoying better flexibility, posture, and ease in daily activities.

Hydrow members over 60 are also cross-training with other workout types to achieve their flexibility goals, being 44% more likely to complement their rowing routine with one of Hydrow’s flexibility, stretching, or mobility workouts. 

Related blog: The Active Aging Revolution: Why Staying Physically, Socially, and Mentally Active is Key to a Longer, Healthier Life

6. Rowing helps improve joint health

Rowing machines offer seniors a safe and effective way to improve joint health, providing a low-impact alternative to high-impact exercises like running that can strain aging joints. As we age, joints become more prone to pain, stiffness, and arthritis, but the smooth, fluid motion of rowing increases blood flow, promotes joint lubrication, and reduces inflammation, leading to improved mobility and decreased pain. 

Rowing also strengthens the muscles surrounding the joints, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of injury. Additionally, as a weight-bearing exercise, rowing helps maintain bone density, protecting against osteoporosis and fractures. 

By incorporating rowing into their routine, seniors can maintain joint health, stay active, and preserve their independence and quality of life as they age.

The future of fitness for seniors 

With more and more seniors embracing rowing as a key part of their fitness routine, it’s clear that rowing machines are more than just a trend—they’re a game-changer. Whether you’re looking to maintain your health, build confidence, or set new personal records, rowing offers a safe, effective, and enjoyable way to stay active well into your golden years.

If you are looking to invest in a rowing machine for your home, be sure to check out Hydrow. Our state-of-the-art rowing machines are the perfect addition to any home gym, giving you an immersive and total-body workout in just 20 minutes a day. 

Hydrow’s extensive library of workout content is led by our team of world-class and Olympic Athletes and filmed in stunning locations around the world. Whether you’re looking to do a rowing workout or cross-train with yoga, Pilates, and circuit training, you’ll be transported to gorgeous global destinations that keep you motivated to come back again and again. 

Learn more about the benefits of a Hydrow rowing machine today! 

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