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Feature Update: Introducing the Dock

Leanne Yenush

When you row on the water, returning to the boathouse is the perfect time to share a high five with a fellow rower and take a moment to celebrate your workout. We’re excited to bring that same joy to life on Hydrow with the introduction of the Dock. The Dock includes multiple improvements to your post-workout experience on Hydrow and in your app, which will make it easier to compare stats, cheer one another on, and celebrate with the Hydrow community after every workout. 

Compare your performance on the post-row leaderboard

The leaderboard is a place where Members come together for friendly competition and to enjoy the camaraderie of rowing together. Before the Dock, your leaderboard would disappear just as you finished your workout. Now, you’ll be able to see your leaderboard on the Dock after every row, so you can filter it and compare stats anytime after your workout is over! If you’d like, you can also turn up the competition and complete the same row more than once, which will update the leaderboard with your best performance. 

You can find the Dock leaderboard in your app by clicking into any row you’ve already completed in your History under the Activity tab. Just as you would during a row, you’ll be able to filter the Dock leaderboard by age, gender, and Members you follow so you can easily compare your performance with other rowers. 

Celebrate wins together

Milestones are an important part of your Hydrow journey, and we’ve made the Dock a place where you can come together to celebrate them with our community. Your workout summary and Dock leaderboard will display badges you and other Members have earned so you can see when someone has hit a milestone — and they can see yours too! 

Before the Dock, when you wanted to share encouragement with others after a workout you would visit your Feed to leave someone a like or comment. We’ve listened to your feedback and instead of having to scroll through a lengthy Feed to find people from your workout, you can now give a like to someone’s workout directly from the Dock leaderboard on your Hydrow touchscreen! Want to do a Cool-Down and give kudos to your fellow Members later? No problem! You can also like and comment on other Members’ workouts anytime by visiting the Dock leaderboard for that workout in your Hydrow app.

To simplify your experience, we’ll be removing the Feed from Hydrow shortly after we release the Dock leaderboard. 

Find your crew

Not only can you like someone’s workout, but you can also follow other Hydrow Members directly from the Dock on Hydrow. Did someone push you to new heights while you climbed the leaderboard together? Keep that connection going and give them a follow! Following another Hydrow Member allows you to stay up to date on their progress and see their workouts in your app. You can also filter your leaderboard to see only Members you follow, or send your followers workout Invitations for added accountability and motivation! 

Want to learn more about the Dock leaderboard? Check out our support article for further details.

Tell us what you think 

Do you have feedback on this feature? Click the feedback button on your Hydrow or in the app and share your thoughts!

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