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Meet Megan Hanewald! A Q&A With Hydow's Lead Personal Coach

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's lead personal coach, sits on a Hydrow rowing machine.

Rowing is one of the most rewarding yet technically challenging full-body workouts out there. Many Hydrow members discover that mastering the rowing stroke takes time, patience, and, in many cases, guidance. 

That’s where Megan Hanewald comes in. As a longtime rower, coach, and competitor, Hydrow’s Lead Personal Coach helps Hydrow members refine their technique, build confidence, and get the most out of every workout.

In this Q&A, Megan shares her journey with rowing, what to expect from a coaching session with her, and why personalized feedback can be a game-changer.

Q: Tell us a bit about your background and experience as a rower and coach!

Hydrow's lead personal coach Megan Hanewald prepares to row on the water.

A: I fell in love with rowing in high school when I rowed for just one year as a senior. My college didn’t have a team, but that didn’t stop me—I kept rowing as an adult and have now been competing at the Masters level for 33 years and coaching for 27 years. 

Over the years as a Masters rower and age group triathlete, I have competed in countless regattas and triathlons. As a non-college athlete, I am so proud to have reached the world-level and national championship-level victories, including being a FISA Master's World Championship gold medal-holder in women's double sculls (2018), as well as a USRowing Master's National gold medal-holder in women's quadruple sculls (2019) and mixed double sculls (2021).  

I hold certifications in personal training from NASM, as well as in indoor cycling, indoor rowing, life coaching, nutrition, and triathlon coaching. Additionally, I have a minor in education and years of experience in both classroom and athletic coaching, which I incorporate into my sessions every day.

Q: What makes you uniquely positioned to help Hydrow members improve their rowing?

A: I think one thing that makes me so different is that I was not necessarily an athlete as a kid. Rowing gave me the ability as a late athletic bloomer to be successful in a sport. The beauty of rowing is that you don’t have to do it your whole life to be good at it. I like the fact that I can be an example to people who have never been an athlete, showing them that you can start later in life and really be successful. 

I’m almost 52 years old, and I think it’s important that I’m meeting members where they are in their journey. I’m middle-aged! I’m a parent! I work! I also have to figure out where to fit exercise into my busy life. I am a relatable person, and I think that’s what makes a lot of people comfortable with me coaching them. We can laugh about being creaky in the morning or finding a time to exercise when a kid isn’t knocking at the door. 

I also believe that education is the most important component of creating a successful coaching relationship. You’re more likely to train smarter with a lesser chance of injury and adhere to a training plan if you really understand the how, what, when, and why behind that plan.

Q: What should people expect from a personal coaching session with you?

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's lead personal coach, works out on a Hydrow rowing machine.

A: You can book a personal coaching session with me directly on Hydrow’s website and choose a time that fits your schedule. Before our session, you’ll complete a short survey to share your history and goals. Then, we’ll connect one-on-one in a live video conference.

Each coaching session is 30 minutes long and entirely focused on you. We’ll discuss your goals, analyze your form, and make adjustments to improve your efficiency. I’ll observe and record your rowing technique on video, allowing us to review your stroke in slow motion before and after adjustments so you can see the difference firsthand.

You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your stroke and a major confidence boost. And afterwards, I always follow up with an email that recaps what we talked about and shares different rows from Hydrow’s library that I recommend trying to help you with your specific goals.

While most sessions tend to be purely technique-driven, I do talk with a lot of people who are still figuring out their workout routine and how fitness fits into their life. In those cases, we’ll also spend time talking about how to stay motivated, plan out your workouts, or get the most out of the Hydrow workout library. 

Related blog: What to Expect From a 1:1 Hydrow Personal Coaching Session

Q: Can you do multiple coaching sessions? 

A: Yes! Hydrow offers one-off sessions that you can book, but you’re always welcome to book multiple sessions or email me afterwards if you have any ongoing questions as you progress along your fitness journey. 

Q: What would you say to someone who’s hesitant about getting a coaching session?

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's lead personal coach, does a coaching session with a Hydrow member.

A: I completely understand that some people may be nervous to do a personal coaching session with me. Anytime you meet with an expert about something you’re not an expert in, it’s nerve-wracking! But I’ve coached thousands of people and want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your session. It might feel weird for the first two minutes or so, but from then on, we’re just focused on learning, improving, and having a good time. 

Virtual coaching also may be new to you, but it’s very effective! Your camera will be set up so I can see the full side view of the Hydrow and can track your body’s movement patterns and stroke mechanics. The only difference between this and real-life coaching is that I can’t manually adjust your positioning. I have five years of experience with virtual coaching and am very comfortable with the communication needed to walk you through what you need to do. 

You also don’t have to be embarrassed by where your Hydrow is located. I’ve seen everything—closets, garages, basements, and even bathrooms! 

Q: When is the best time to book a session?

A: Personal coaching is always helpful, and I’ve worked with people at all stages of their Hydrow journey—from members who have just opened their Hydrow box and haven’t touched the handle yet up to people who are hitting 9 million meters on their machine. 

But what I’ve found is that the best time to try a coaching session is around one month of using your Hydrow. You’ve done enough rows to be familiar with the concept of the stroke but haven’t logged too many meters where you may have developed some muscle memory that’s difficult to unlearn. Anywhere between two to six weeks after starting working out on your Hydrow is a great idea, but personal coaching can absolutely be beneficial at any time. 

Q: Why do you think it’s so helpful for Hydrow members to seek out personal coaching?  

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's lead personal coach, carries a scull over her shoulder.

A: Many people who have bought a Hydrow have never rowed before and just have no idea how technical the rowing stroke is. If you don’t have the proper timing or sequencing of your stroke, you’re going to miss out on integral parts of the stroke or won’t be realizing its full benefits. 

Many members don’t even realize they’re missing something until they get real-time feedback. A coaching session helps them understand what they’re doing well and what they can improve. You don’t know what you don’t know, and a lot of people don’t know that much about rowing—and that’s okay! 

Q: What are the most common challenges people face when you have a session with them? 

A: A lot of what I work on with our members is boosting their confidence in the mechanics of their rowing stroke. Many people are worried about getting injured, whether they’re recovering from injuries or recovering from surgery. So we talk through what could potentially cause injury and how to avoid it so they can walk away feeling validated and more excited about rowing. 

I also see a lot of people who have a hard time rowing at lower stroke rates, which means something is off in their form. This can also limit the types of workouts they’re able to do in our library, since their form is preventing them from accessing workouts that operate at lower rhythms. 

Q: How do people feel after leaving a session with you?

A: The greatest thing members gain is the confidence they build with their stroke. Many people come into a session and want a form check to see whether they’re doing it right. At the end of a session, they’re thrilled that they have more confidence and they know exactly what they need to work on. Most people say they can actually feel the difference in the session, whether they’re seeing a difference in their splits or feeling the workout in different parts of their body than they usually do. 

The most beautiful thing that we accomplish in just 30 minutes is that now they can go into their sessions with our Athletes and experience more “aha!” moments in their rows. Their future rowing is enhanced after a session and they’re better enabled to follow the Athlete’s instructions or modifications, such as sitting up taller or feeling muscles activate in different parts of the body. 

Q: What do you enjoy most about your role as a personal coach? 

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's lead personal coach, does a coaching session with a Hydrow member.

A: I truly think this is the best job ever! This brings together all of my passions—helping people grow and helping people with their fitness—and I’m so privileged to be able to meet with so many members with so many diverse backgrounds and body shapes at different ages and in different stages of their workout journey. It’s so wonderful to be another part of the puzzle to help them figure out their relationship with fitness. 

I also hear from so many members that Hydrow saved their life. It’s so wonderful to hear those stories and be a part of them! 

Interested in booking a personal coaching session with Megan?

Megan Hanewald, Hydrow's personal coach, stands in front of a body of water.

Rowing is a journey, and even small improvements can make a huge difference in your experience. If you’re unsure whether a coaching session is worth it, I’d say: Just go for it. You’ll leave feeling stronger, more confident, and excited for your next row.

If you want to book a personal coaching session, head to Hydrow.com to get started! 

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