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A Note from Our Founder: Hydrow's 2020 Year in Review

Leanne Yenush

To our Hydrow community:

It is an incredible experience to be able to share a new idea like Hydrow with a huge group of people. When Chris Paul -- Employee #1 --  and I started work at his dining room table on a snowy day 24 months ago, we talked about how we could create the most beautiful workout experience that the world had ever seen, an experience that would inspire people and help them feel -- on a visceral level -- that their presence and their workouts mattered, not just to themselves, but to their whole community. In our wildest dreams we hoped that Hydrow would grow like wildfire, but we never imagined that within three months of going on sale we’d be featured in Best Buy, appear on Ellen’s Greatest Night of Giveaways, that we’d be opening a studio at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Boca Raton, and that we would reach thousands of people in the course of the holiday season.  

As we start the new decade, we want to take a breath and celebrate some monumental milestones as we launched the Hydrow-verse: 

  • February: Delivered the first production-line Hydrow to one of our loyal product testers 

  • May: First official delivery to Hydrow Indiegogo backers

  • November: Adding THOUSANDS of new Hydrow users to our community

  • August: Expanding our On The Mat content to include new core, pilates, functional strength and yoga workouts

  • August: Hydrow athletes Dani Hansen and Christine Cavallo represented the USA at the Rowing World Championships in Austria 

  • November: first Hydrow patent published by the U.S. Patent Office 

  • All Year:  Hydrow workouts delivered safe water to 878 people in need in developing countries

We’re so happy that you’ve joined the Hydrow community. Check out our latest innovation (the first of many for 2020!): Hydrow Training Camp -- an all-new, specialized 6-week workout program. It is a really great way to start the year off and commit to whole health and community.  You can join the Facebook group or just go directly to the Hydrow homescreen to find out more.  

From everyone at Hydrow HQ to you and yours, best wishes for a happy, healthy 2020!  

See you on the water,


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