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Jump Back Into Fitness Workout Plan: Week 4

Buffy Williams

Just getting started? Check out workouts from previous weeks here: 

Making it through three weeks of exercise is an incredible milestone worth celebrating! By sticking with your routine during this six-week workout plan, you've done more than build physical strength and stamina—you've proven to yourself that you have the discipline and determination to prioritize your health. 

These weeks have laid a solid foundation for long-term success, and your body is already starting to adapt and grow stronger. Remember, each day you show up, you're one step closer to being a healthier version of yourself. 

This week, our advice is to be even more intentional with your heart rate monitoring. This program has been strategically designed to introduce you to a variety of workout styles and to get the best benefits from exercising. This is achieved by working out at the specific heart rate outlined. 

Different heart rate zones accomplish different things for your fitness, so familiarizing yourself with the five heart rate zones will help maximize the effects of each of your workouts so you can reap all the glorious benefits of consistent exercise. 

Let’s jump into this week’s workout routine, which includes: 

A free six-week at-home workout plan graphic, including daily exercises across six weeks.

Monday: 25-minute circuit training workout

Repeat the exercises from your week two circuit training workout, but this time with a different format. Complete up to 20 reps of the exercise, then move onto the next. Move continuously through all the exercises, then start at the top again until 25 minutes is completed.

Tuesday: Steady cardio workout (30–35 minutes) 

Do a cardio workout of your choice, targeting a set pace at 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR), for 30 to 35 minutes. The additional five minutes of cardio inches you closer to that goal of accumulating 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week. 

Let your body guide you here. If you are feeling good, push to extend your session for an additional five minutes. If your body is saying “Nope!” listen to it. Being in tune to your body is an important skill in this health journey.

Wednesday: 15-minute abs, butt, and core (ABCs) workout

Use this workout to target your abs, butt, and core, with two sets of 20 reps for each exercise: 

Thursday: 20-minute circuit training workout

Repeat circuit training workout from Monday. Complete up to 20 reps of the exercise, then move onto the next.  Move continuously through all the exercises. Then, start at the top again until 20 minutes has been completed. Because this is a shorter workout than what you did earlier in the week, it may feel easier—but don’t be surprised if it actually feels harder given all the hard work you’ve put in throughout the week!

Friday: Steady cardio workout (30–35 minutes) 

Complete a cardio workout of your choice and target a set pace of 50% to 70% of your MHR.

Saturday: 20-minute HIIT-style cardio and 5-minute stretch workout

Similar to last week, you can either use a piece of home exercise equipment or floor exercises for your HIIT cardio workout. 

20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with cardio equipment 

If you choose to use equipment, complete the following workout: 

  1. Warm up for five minutes at a moderate intensity (60% to 70% of your MHR), with two 20-second bouts of vigorous activity (~80% of your MHR) during the last two minutes. 

  2. Work out at maximum effort for 40 seconds, reaching your MHR by the end of each interval. 

  3. Recover for 20 seconds with very light intensity. 

  4. Complete 10 rounds of on/offs following this pattern.

  5. Cool down for five minutes at light intensity (50% of your MHR).

20-minute HIIT-style cardio workout with floor exercises

If you choose floor exercises, complete the following routine, with the same exercises as previous weeks:

  • Moderate-intensity warm-up:

  • High knees (30 seconds) 

  • Plank to downward dog (30 seconds)

  • Butt kicks (30 seconds) 

  • Bodyweight squats (30 seconds)

  • Maximum-effort exercise: Work out at maximum effort for 40 seconds, followed by a 20-second recovery. Note this is a different format than other weeks. Repeat each exercise below twice before moving onto the next: 

  • Cool-down: 

    • 30 seconds of butt kicks (you can hold your foot at your butt for a quad stretch!)

    • For 30 seconds, open your arms wide and reach back, then bring your arms forward across your body to hug yourself. (Feel free to hold each position to feel a chest and back stretch.)

    • For 60 seconds, lie on the floor, extend your legs straight, bend one knee, and bring your thigh to your chest and hold. Switch legs. 

5-minute stretch

After your cardio workout is complete, take the time for a five-minute stretching workout in the video below: 

Sunday: Active recovery/rest 

Take this day off, or do some light exercise like going for a walk or doing a gentle yoga session.

Another week down—way to go! Ready to keep going? Check out your week 5 exercises now. 

And, if you’re looking for more ways to mix up your workout routine, be sure to check out Hydrow. You’ll get all these workouts (and more!) with Hydrow’s workout library, which includes cardio rowing workouts along with yoga, Pilates, strength training, circuit training, and mobility training. Our workouts are all filmed in beautiful locations around the world and led by motivational world-class Athletes who will motivate you and push you to do your best. 

Learn more about Hydrow and our rowing machines today! 

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